
Baby Hints & Tips

Starting Solids: Mums Advice

Feeding childWe are starting solids soon; just after some advice…What did you first feed your baby? How old were they? How often did you introduce new foods? TIA

My baby is ready for solids. She is 6 months old, how did you introduce it? Did you do 1 veg at a time? How much did you start with and how did you prepare and store?

We are starting solids soon; just after soon advice…What did you first feed your baby? How old were they? How often did you introduce new foods? TIA

  •  I started my girl on cereal at 3.5 months and she loved it, i try n introduce a new fruit or veg every week.  Kelly
  •  First started on farex then moved on to mashed or puréed pumpkin, potato, sweet potato and poached chicken all mixed together. My bubs nearly six months and loves the different combinations of the above foods. Will be starting to add more veg and meats in there soon. Prob best to start with potato and pumpkin boiled then mashed or puréed using a bit of the water u boiled the veggies in to help moisten it or use a tiny amount if you want the food thicker.   Aleisha
  •  I started on veggies. I gave in the mornings so it gives you the day to deal with any upset tummies. Also gave one kind for 3 days then move onto another for the next 3 days. That way you can check for any allergies etc. I also give avocado. I was told to start on any root vegetable or basically anything you can peel. Hope this helps.  Flick
  •  Look up baby led weaning… I started dd1 on purees and rice cereals she’s now 4 and a fussy eater. I did baby led weaning with dd2 and she’s now 18mo and eats everything… Krystal
  •  my nearly 6mth old is doing BLW(baby led weaning) no need for processed rice cereal, baby learns about food via taste first then in a month or so will feed himself…it’s how babies were initially introduced solids Gill Rapley’s book is great and there is loads of info on the internet. I did purees etc with my first but it’s so much easier doing this…his first tastes have been a chicken bone, avocado, sweet potato and today he had a whole pear..Loved it…you just have to be with them to avoid choking…its well worth checking out.  Natalie
  •  We did baby led weaning! It’s FANTASTIC!! I’ll do it again with all my kids:) can get a great book on it, pm me if u want name or just Google:) makes feeding simple, fun and babies love it, so natural I reckon x.   Danielle
  •  My bub was almost 4 months he loves his farex and custards and his Veges.  Katie
  •  almost 4 months, started on pumpkin and now on carrot…cant get enough she loves it!  Jordyn
  •  i always start with stewd puree apples all mine were early due to spewing n other issues oldest 2 1/2 months twins 3 months n youngest 2 months they all healthy kids now.  Janette
  •  My bubby was 4 months, he has rice cereal in the mornings veggies for lunch and stewed fruit for arvo tea. I make all my food at home steam all the veggies and freeze them in ice cube trays so he can have different combos.  Rebecca
  • I introduced them when bub was just 4 months. Skipped farax and went straight to purees. I use raffertys pouches from the supermarket and bub loves them! Started with a spoonful and a week later he’s having the equivalent of around 3-4 tablespoons. Giving it to him after his mid morning bottle.   Jackie
  •  I started just over 4 months and was just a spoon full or maybe two of rice cereal. Then after a few weeks moved to veggies and at about 6 1/2 months added fruit.  Nicole
  •  5mths puree pumpkin, then she started grabbing our foods so we did baby led weaning!  Vanessa
  •  My bub was just under 4months, started with just breaky – rice cereal with some puree stewed apples, or a 1/4 mashed banana warmed in microwave, also 2wks in started some mashed avocado or steamed and puree pumpkin or carrot/parsnip/apple, at lunchtime and now at almost 5mnths just has raffertys multigrain cereal for breaky and in a mesh bag thing at lunch has some banana or nectarine in that, maybe a baby mum mum rice cracker to suck on in the arvo and some puree veg for tea about 5pm (pumpkin/sweetcorn) is the fave! All home made and using my breastmilk.  Brooke
  •  I waited until 5.5 and 6 months with my babies. Pumpkin first.. I gave farax a miss (until later, to thicken their food occasionally) as my health nurse said it can bind them up if given alone.
  • I tried each new food for 2-3 days before offering another. In the beginning I was giving solids at late morning (after breast feed) .
    I’m pregnant again and would love to try baby led weaning this time around!  Lucy
  •  Started bub one week ago at 4 months to the day. Doing the four day trial. Days 1-4 farex, 5-8 farex and puréed apples, 9-12 farex and puréed pear. So every 4 days a new food to check for reactions/allergies/constipation etc. next will be banana. Then onto the veggies. I will even be giving vege for brekky as I don’t think he’s ready for 2 meals a day yet but want to check for any reactions before I give it to him at night etc.  Sara
  •  Pumpkin at 6 months. It’s nice wet and tasty so it is easy to swallow for bubs.  Emma
  •  My bub is almost 8mths and we’re doing baby led weaning, she pretty much just eats what we’re having started at 6mths.  Susie
  •  Pumpkin at 6 mo but she wouldnt take puree so then blw with steamed veggie sticks.. avacodo & apples were favs!  Chloe
  •  I started at 4months with farex for breakfast, at 5months I introduced a second feed. We have used apples, pears, mango and banana. I will be trying pumpkin, carrot and sweet potato soon.  Jade
  •  4.5 months, started with farex then pumpkin, sweet potato, pear, banana, avocado…Melissa
  •  Started at 4months, make my own apple/banana & pumpkin/carrot/sweet potato, she is now 6months and also has arrowroot bikies, weetbix, vegemite toast & mashed avocado.  Also has the occasional mashed potato /peas with formula.  Amanda
  •  I started my DD at 5 months on home made pear puree but then decided i liked the idea of baby led weaning, which we started at 6 months…. DD is now 2.5yrs and eats anything and everything.  Suzette


My baby is ready for soilds. She is 6 months old, how did you introduce it? Did you do 1 veg at a time? How much did you start with and how did you prepare and store?

  • I started with apple and sweet potato (separate of course). I let him get used to texture and let stomach have time to adjust to solids by only giving 1-2 tbs. At this early stage I froze in ice cube trays. As he grew I added more veggies/fruit, then started mixing multiple fruit/veg in each batch while upping the storage containers. Freezing is the best option so it doesn’t feel like you r constantly cooking.   Bec
  •  Throw it all in together! pumpkin..zucchini, sweet potato, brocolli, corn, carrot! Anything else u want! I’ve just started my son who is 15wks old on all his mash veges and he loves it!!   Hayze
  •  I just invested in this brilliant machine Avent Steamer & Blender and the Avent storage containers to keep in fridge for 24 hours or freeze for my second bub who is same age on solids it has been so exciting for me and him.
  • It steams and blends to 3 stages of weaning keeping in all the nutrients of the vegetables no mess or fuss. First foods for him is Blended Apple, Pear, pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot, zucchini all individually at first then let the recipes begin it comes with a recipe book for all the stages from puréed, lumpy, meats etc. breakfast is always nestle cerelac rice or wheat with fruit. Veggies for lunch & tea I’m just about to start adding meats to his veggies also blended. I will wait a little longer for finger foods 8 months . Food is to be enjoyable so make it fun.   Robin
  •  One vegie at a time??? I never did that with my two and won’t be doing it with my 3rd.   Natalie
  •  Baby led weaning.   Hannah
  •  Mums introducing solids make sure u add pear or apple so bub doesn’t get constipated. I always introduced apple or pear (puréed ) with Raffettys garden rice cereal first. Do that for a few days at lunch feed. Then do a veg next. Whenever introducing new food always do it at lunch so if they have a reaction it comes out before they sleep at night. I make a big batch of individual veg or fruit & freeze it in ice cubes. That way u have little waste.   Janene
  •  We did baby led weaning, so our kids just ate off our plates, minus salt and spices. the favourites were/are corn cobs (when they were around 10 months we started giving peas and corn kernels, great motor skills practice) broccoli trees, roast chicken chopped into chunks, apple pieces, and bananas. We don’t mash/puree anything.   Trish
  •  Yes one ingredient at a time so as to make it easier to spot allergies, if any give same about 3/4 days watch for any reaction.   Lisa
  •  I started with potato and farex mix. I used Qubies! The simple way to freeze & store breast milk and baby food and more to store the remainder. and got out one ‘cube’ at a time (30ml). I then went on to pumpkin, sweet potato, carrot and combinations of them for a while, with store brougth jars of fruit mixes towards the end. I had planned on the going to lumpy peas etc, but she skipped the mashed foods preferring finger foods as soon as she could.  oh and to prepare vegie purees, I just slightly over boiled the veg, drained some of the water and then used a normal blender to blend them into purees. If too watery I added farex when preparing the cube to feed her (don’t add farex prior to freezing as it makes things a little rubbery when defrosting).   Charmaine
  •  With my first we weaned traditionally starting with rice cereal then introducing purée veg and fruit. A new one every few days etc. with this one, she wasn’t having a bar of that so we did it baby led weaning style introducing foods as whole foods ie steamed carrot sticks, broccoli pieces, slice of pear etc which she could pick up and eat as she wished. It’s a much slower process of starting solids but you don’t make any “baby food” just offer what you are having. It’s been fantastic and she has tried so much more than my first ever did.    Michelle
  •  Give her a spoon of ‘solids’ mush, just before or In between her milk.  Best of luck, perseverance is the key, she will grow to live if. Try savouries before sweets if possible.   Gina
  •  If u like u can find different ways of introducing solids. Ask child health nurse? The way I did it was fared first few days, then apple, then pear, then veggies (1 at a time, only ever introducing 1 new food every few days). I started with orange veggies like pumpkin, carrot, sweet potato, as well as potato and zucchini. And then slowly branched out into green leafy veggies and other fruits due to the wind they can cause.   Dani
  •  I started bub on a tablespoon or 2 of very runny rice cereal. After that I introduced one veg for a couple of days (in case of reaction). Steamed and puréed and frozen in ice block trays before storing.   Liz
  •  My bub had a stem of broccoli as her first solid. During her first week she had broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potato, corn on cob – all whole.    Rebecca
  •  I started on veggies. I gave in the mornings so it gives you the day to deal with any upset tummies. Also gave one kind for 3 days then move onto another for the next 3 days. That way you can check for any allergies etc. I also give avocado. I was told to start on any root vegetable or basically anything you can peel. Hope this helps.  Flick
  •  Look up baby led weaning… I started dd1 on purees and rice cereals she’s now 4 and a fussy eater. I did baby led weaning with dd2 and she’s now 18mo and eats everything… Krystal
  •  My nearly 6mth old is doing BLW(baby led weaning) no need for processed rice cereal, baby learns about food via taste first then in a month or so will feed himself…it’s how babies were initially introduced solids Gill Rapley’s book is great and there is loads of info on the internet. I did purees etc with my first but it’s so much easier doing this…his first tastes have been a chicken bone, avocado, sweet potato and today he had a whole pear..Loved it…you just have to be with them to avoid choking…its well worth checking out.  Natalie
  •  We did baby led weaning! It’s FANTASTIC!! I’ll do it again with all my kids:) can get a great book on it, pm me if u want name or just Google:) makes feeding simple, fun and babies love it, so natural I reckon x.   Danielle
  •  I waited until 5.5 and 6 months with my babies. Pumpkin first.. I gave farax a miss (until later, to thicken their food occasionally) as my health nurse said it can bind them up if given alone. I tried each new food for 2-3 days before offering another. In the beginning I was giving solids at late morning (after breast feed) . I’m pregnant again and would love to try baby led weaning this time around!  Lucy
  •  Pumpkin at 6 months. It’s nice wet and tasty so it is easy to swallow for bubs.  Emma
  •  My bub is almost 8mths and we’re doing baby led weaning, she pretty much just eats what we’re having started at 6mths.  Susie
  •  Pumpkin at 6 mo but she wouldnt take puree so then blw with steamed veggie sticks.. avacodo & apples were favs!  Chloe
  •  I started my DD at 5 months on home made pear puree but then decided i liked the idea of baby led weaning, which we started at 6 months…. DD is now 2.5yrs and eats anything and everything.  Suzette




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