
Baby Hints & Tips

Swimming lessons for baby

Swimming LessonHave you found swimming lessons a useful introduction to water for bub? Would you recommend introducing bub to swimming through the pool first before the ocean?

  • My daughter started at 4 months and it was fantastic. I would say yes to pool before ocean but that’s really up to you and what your bub is like. Sonja
  • Most.defiantly in pool first. My swim school has the first age bracket up to 6 mths free. So they learn to close eyes before water is poured in their heads (teaching precursors of diving ect) I started at 12 weeks. He’s loving them. I woukdnt try ocean until bub knows to close eyes as the salt water will sting like hell (i know my eyes get terribly sore if I get salt water in them) Sherrealle
  • We introduced our daughter to a pool first, can’t remember the exact age sorry (around 3.5months maybe?) and started swimming lessons at 8months, she loves it, baby swim classes are designed for them to learn by playing, I wish we had started sooner I would recommend a pool over the ocean, you have more control. Amy
  • I would definately go pool first but I am not a fan of the ocean. Yes swimming lessons are worth it. But I would introduce my child to the water first before I booked swimming lessons. Amy
  • I started my little one in swimming lessons at 16 weeks. He had been in the ocean and pool prior to this during the summer, but mainly playing. Formal Swimming lessons teach them to safely enter and exit the pool, to reach for the wall or a person, swim out from under things and get comfortable floating etc, long before teaching them to swim. Even that young they are still learning. By six months my son was doing these things in the bath and at play at home, beach, pool etc. I would recommend the pool over the ocean due to the controlled environment. Marika
  • Yes & Yes, my dd is 5 1/2 months we started late but she loves it. Lori
  • We started swimming lessons when our son was 10 weeks, he loves it and has a great time. I would start in the pool because it’s a warm gentle introduction to swimming / lots of water. Nerissa
  • I take my girl swimming lessons i recomend dat ova ocean as teach them to get use to water n u learn tips for beach Cass
  • my kids both started at 3 months and loved it, they prefered pool cause it was warm and no waves Bec
  • I started both my kids in swimming lessons at 6months. My son hated it, my daughter loves it! I would definitely suggest pool before ocean as the ocean will be EXTREMELY cold! Samantha
  • We are taking our 12week old to lessons. I’m doing it so I’m comfortable with bub being in the water and another mum has commented that she didn’t expect to be so wary about having bub in the water. At this stage I’m not certain bub is getting much out of it, but long term I think it will pay off for him. Taya
  • I had my bub paddling in the toddler pool before he started his lessons – he really enjoys both. Id go with pool first – more so that you can get used to handling him in the water without worrying about waves / swell to begin with Bec
  • I was told to make sure you do pools first, as the water is heated enough for little bubs. I wouldn’t do ocean.. Too many things to go wrong. I will be taking bub to proper swimming lessons in a pool.. But have been getting him used to having water on his face etc in the bath already x Jennifer
  • Both of our kids have loved swimming lessons from the start. Our daughter started at 6 months & son at 8 months (just due to term timing). I don’t think it’s necessary to start in either pool or ocean first, just be confident in what you are doing and safe. Angela
  • We started swimming lessons at the pool at 4 months my son loves the water, I think starting at a pool is better as really cold water and young bubs don’t mix, it takes their breath away. Tracey
  • My son started swimming lessons at 6 months and loves the water, i only started him so young to discourage a fear of water and i believe every child should know how to swim… I personally wouldnt take him in beach water just yet because if they swallow too much of it, it will probably give him an upset tummy! Amber
  • swimming lessons are an invaluable life skill , you and your baby will gain so much from them , I can’t recommend highly enough Kim
  • I started my bub at 5 months in swim lessons. The pool is heated which is important for babies (and they can still get cold). The ocean can wait for a while. Sharon
  • Umm yes I think introducing a baby to a pool would be a very good idea before bringing on waves, seaweed and tons of ppl. As for the lessons, it depends on how shy or outgoing your bub is. If he’s shy it’s usually better for him to be with someone he knows and trusts such as yourself. If he’s outgoing, sure put him in swimming lessons! Brianna
  • Yes swimming classes were very helpful, she started at six months and it’s amazing how much they learn. Definitely recommend it. She loves the water McKenzie
  • Our son went swimming at 4 months in the pool and at 5 months we went to the beach. He’s been having swimming lessons since he was 10 months old, he loves the lessons and it’s a fun time for us. They teach you things you could do in your own pool if you have one, it’s another way for us to be around other mums n bubs. Lyndall
  • My 5mo has just started swimming lessons and loves it. I’d think start in pool before ocean. But that’s probably more about my fears. Katrina
  • definetly swimming pool first. make sure you are teaching them and practicing water over their face during bath time to get use to water…i got told by a swimming coach to avoid taking baby to ocean during wet/storm season cause alot of rubbish and dirty water gets washed up so bubba does not get sick. Susie

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