
Tag: Constipation

Does your child have chronic constipation

Chronic constipation in kids: How to help your child

Bowel movements are unique to each person. Most people will have one daily, others multiple times a day. We have all experienced the discomfort of constipation at some point in …

Baby poo - does your baby suffer from constipation?

Baby constipation – does your baby suffer?

Our focus on baby poo continues with an article on constipation.

Best Formula For Constipation

Parenting Tips: Wanting other mums opinions on formulas that they have found don’t cause constipation?

Constipation in babies: Community tips

Q&A: My daughter is 5 months and breastfed with one formula feed. She hasn’t pooed for a week (which is common) but she’s in pain with it.. What can i use to help her poo? Preferably natural as we’re on holiday with shops far away.

General Complaints in Pregnancy

Q&A: What discomforts did you face in pregnancy and how did you overcome them?

Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Paediatrician Tips: Q&A with Dr Howard Chilton

Recently, we invited members of our Facebook page to submit questions for Dr Chilton to answer during a timed Q&A sessions. Questions ranged from sleeping issues to cysts on gums. Read on to see Dr Chilton’s response to each of the questions.