
Tag: Exercise

post pregnancy exercise

Post Natal Exercise Expert’s Tips on Safe return to Post Pregnancy Exercise

If you want your abdominal muscles to recover from a pregnancy and get a flat tummy within 6 months of having your baby you must not do.

Exercise in pregnancy

Exercise in pregnancy: GP advice

GP advice on exercise in pregnancy.

Excercise whilst Pregnant

Q&A: I am pregnant and overweight . I am looking for helpful hints to keep my baby weight gain under control as don’t want to explode

Exercise: Maintain the momentum

You have made it to the end of the month congratulations and hopefully a healthier and happier you? So now where and what to do?

Exercise: Why we need to move

“As a busy mum myself finding the time to get any kind of exercises in can be a challenge and often if the opportunity comes up I can be too tired! But often if I make myself go out just for a walk in the fresh I soon feel ten times better and the benefits of exercise help lift my mood and help me face with the stressful often hectic 5pm-8pm dinner and bedtime schedule!..”

10 tips to find time to exercise

As busy mums we tend to put ourselves last on the needs list and if we already manage to squeeze exercise in it is our workout session that is the first to get pushed to one side if anything else crops up. Lorraine from Pregnancy Exercise has some great tips to help get you moving and stay moving.

10 Tips to Keep Motivated and Moving

It can often be easy to start a challenge but it is a little harder to remain on track and stay focused. Lorraine from Pregnancy Exercise shares how you can keep moving and stay motivated.

Post Birth Recovery: Tips and Advice

Lorraine from Pregnancyexercise.co.nz provides a day-by-day explanation of how to give your body the best start to recovering and getting back to ‘normal’ after giving birth.

exercise during pregnancy

Expert tips: Exercise during Pregnancy

How to keep motivated to exercise during pregnancy, and exercise tips for each pregnancy stage.

post pregnancy exercise

Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.

The key to post pregnancy exercise is REST: Relax, Exercise, Sleep, Time for Mum.