
Baby Hints & Tips

Exercise: Maintain the momentum

This article is part of our Healthy Body Healthy Mind series

Pregnant woman with gymnastic ball isolated on whiteby Lorraine Scapens from Pregnancyexercise.co.nz

Week 4

Maintain your Healthy Eating and Regular Exercise

You have made it to the end of the month congratulations and hopefully a healthier and happier you?

So now where and what to do? Once you have changed old habits and increased your exercise for more than 3 weeks it should now be a new habit so it should be easier for you to maintain a healthy eating and regular exercising regime.

Of course things can change and throw a spanner in the works-kids sick, school holidays a few too many birthday parties etc. But try to note how how good you are feeling now and maintain that thought as this will help you get you back on track when on occasions you do fall off.

Don’t ever feel bad about treating yourself or enjoying a glass of wine, everything in moderation including exercise!

Fit and healthy mums get to enjoy life with their kids, are able to run around and chase them on their scooters, help them learn to ride their bikes without feeling puffed.

We can get through all of our daily chores without worrying about any back or shoulder pain and we can be the parents and partners we want to be just because we have chosen a healthier lifestyle. We are confident, strong and totally amazing women!

SuperFitMum Program
I have just released the amazing SuperFitMum program which will be launched in November on my new upgraded website this will be perfect for YOU to follow after the October Challenge.

It is 18 weeks of exercise split into 3 x 6 week programs that you can do at home or at the gym. Exercise Plan, Weekly Exercise including cardio,  Video Exercise Descriptions, Warm Up Video’s, a nutrition plan, guide and diary are all included!

Lorraine Scapens

Lorraine is a Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist with 20 years experience training pregnant and post natal women. She has specialized in Pregnancy and Post Natal Exercise for more than 15 Years. Her websites are Pregnancy Exercise and Turning Baby, and you can read her blog here. She is also on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You can contact her at lorraine@pregnancyexercise.co.nz. To see all of Lorraine’s articles, click here.


Disclaimer: This information is general advice only, and you are advised to discuss any concerns you may have with your GP or midwife, or before starting a new exercise regime. Lorraine is not able to provide you with medical advice. You cannot hold Lorraine liable in any way for injuries that may occur whilst training.

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