Taking baby’s temperature – A Rough Guide for Parents in a Rough Patch
When your child has a fever you want to know how to manage it. Here is a guide on choosing a thermometer and taking your child’s temperature.
FeverSmart Temperature Monitor by Nurofen for Children Review
The FeverSmart Temperature Monitor makes monitoring temperature of a sleeping child much easier. Continually monitor without waking your child
Febrile convulsions in babies and children
Expert advice on what to do if your child experiences a febrile convulsion.
Thermometer reviews
Q&A: What have you found to be a good thermometer for your little ones?
When to keep a sick child at home?
Expert tips: GP, Melissa, shares a guide for when a child is too sick for day care or school. And tips on when you should take your child to a doctor.
Fever in Kids
When your baby, toddler or child has a fever it can be a very worrying time. How and when should it be treated, and is there anything you can do to decrease the likelihood of febrile convulsions? Unfortunately, a lot of the advice shared by parents can be based on incorrect information. We have included links to medical, evidence-based information.