Pregnancy Safe Christmas Drinks
Just because you are pregnant doesn’t mean you have to miss out on special Christmas drinks; and the best thing is, the kids can enjoy them too!
Green Spinach Pesto Recipe
Go Green Spinach Pesto is so versatile and easy to make. Stir through spaghetti, spread on a salad sandwich or use as a dip for crackers or veggie sticks.
Strawberry homemade icy pole recipe
For a more fun and even more delicious after dinner treat, these strawberry smoothie icy poles work well. We often have some in the freezer for after school on hot days or for when friends drop by for lunch.
Spring Cleaning + Quinoa Vegetable Slice
I am one of those people who endures winter, waiting (impatiently) for the day the sun breaks through the dark, gloomy clouds and the garden begins to spring to life. Living by the ocean, we love spending time at the beach but getting our bodies sun kissed and sandy is no fun in the cold weather!
Tips for buying organic on a budget (and a nourishing vegetable soup)
The more I learn about health and wellbeing, the more important I believe buying organic food for my family to be. Now, that is not to say that this household is 100% organic, because it isn’t, however I am learning to prioritise the items I truly prefer to be as close to their natural state as possible
{RECIPE} How to avoid Morning Madness and Muesli-in-a-jar
I have found over the years that how I begin my day plays a very important part in how well it goes. Starting each morning in a calm, organised and tidy environment gives me the best chance at things running smoothly all day, but how do we set ourselves up for success? Here are my top tips for keeping the morning madness at bay and starting the day with a smile and a spring in your step.
No Bake Everyday’s a Party Bliss Ball Recipe
These Everyday’s a Party balls are a great portable treat that you can make in no time and have on hand for when you need them. They are party on the outside and goodness on the inside, and are a nourishing and delicious lunch box addition.
Really Easy Banana Bread Recipe
My Banana Bread is nourishing and satisfying. Made with whole food ingredients, it is a real treat served warm with lashings of butter or the perfect addition to the school snack box.
What Mothers want on Mothers’ Day
Mothers’ Day is important and special and a fantastic opportunity to show the wonderful mum in your life just how much you love and appreciate her. So what exactly do mums want on Mothers’ Day?
No Bake Fruit and Seed Slice
I make this simple yet tasty no bake slice for my kids to add to their school snacks. `It provides plenty of energy to keep kids going, good fats for healthy brain development, vitamins, minerals and it’s naturally sweetened…but best of all…my kids love it!
White Chocolate Raspberry Ice Cream
Quick, super easy to make and perfect for Summer Entertaining, this frozen treat is sophisticated enough to serve to both adult guests and children alike. You can serve layered with raspberries in individual glasses or use the mini cones as we have done.
Budget Teacher Gifts – Christmas Granola Recipe
Everyone in my house LOVES this delicious granola with its Christmassy colours of green from the pistachios and red from the cranberries. Hints of orange and scents of cinnamon really stir up festive feelings and your home will smell divine while it’s baking!
Getting kids to love healthy food
Kristin shares how she encourages her kids to not only eat healthy, but to enjoy healthy food too!
The Un-Pear Shaped Day
When you’re a parent, days that don’t go pear shaped can be few and far between.