
Baby Hints & Tips

5 High Impact, Low Cost Christmas Gift Ideas for the Whole Family

low cost Christmas gift ideasWith Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about gifts that will make a big impact on the recipient but don’t break the bank for you. All too often we get caught up in the hype that comes with Christmas and that usually causes us to overspend or max out the credit cards.

This year, have a go at doing things differently so that your gifts are more meaningful and your bank account will thank you as you head into a new year.

Here are some low cost high impact gifts to get you started:

  1. For grandparents:

Collect photos throughout the year that the grandparents haven’t seen as well as photos of your budding Picasso’s artworks and then print them all out and create a scrapbook of memories for them. Don’t underestimate how much this means to grandparents, even those that see their grandchildren regularly and if you put the effort into only using photos you haven’t shown them it will be even more memorable.

  1. For the kids:

Voucher books – let’s face it, kids are hard to buy for now that technology is part of everyday life so why not go back to basics and treat them to the things that really make an impact. Vouchers for stay up late nights, vegetable free dinners, extra TV time. Think about the things you usually restrict and free those things up for your kids – they will love the gift for weeks and months to come which is longer than most plastic toys. P.S. Don’t forget to put conditions or you will have all the vouchers being used at once!

  1. For your partner

Nothing says I love you more than being allowed to sleep in. Give them a voucher for 10 Sunday Sleep Ins or whatever number works for you.

  1. Family time:

Give the gift of time to your family. Wrap a voucher inside a box and put it under the tree with a selection of vouchers that the family can use. Vouchers for a Sunday family picnic in the park, a weekend treasure hunt through your neighbourhood, a movie night with popcorn and treats. This one is endless if you start thinking about it and it gives the whole family something to look forward to without breaking the bank.

  1. For friends:

Ready-made meals. Who doesn’t love the convenience of grabbing a ready-made meal out of the freezer, it is even better when it is something you love and haven’t had to make for yourself. Do your friends love your lasagne or soup recipe? Next time you cook it make a batch for them as well and pop it in the freezer and then for Christmas give them a few ready-made meals.

I’m sure once you start thinking about it you will find many more to add to the list.

There are heaps more Christmas gift ideas for all different budgets in our Christmas gift guides for baby, kids, Mums and Dads.

Let us know your ideas or which ones you decide to try, comment below! 

About the Author:

Kathie Holmes is a Best Selling Author and is passionate about nurturing women and providing women with ways they can share their life stories to inspire others around the world. As a mum, grandma and business woman Kathie has first-hand experience at not putting herself first and is on a mission to ensure women the world over know that it doesn’t have to be this way. You can find out more about Kathie and the work she does at her website.

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