
Baby Hints & Tips

Breakfast ideas for baby

I am looking for breakfast ideas for my 7 month old

Alternative ideas to Farex rice cereal

  • Weetbix. Banana with greek yoghurt. Toast. Scrambled eggs. Stacey breakfast ideas for baby
  • Bellamy’s organic apple and cinnamon porridge (with milk and fruit puree) served warm. Bellamy’s organic cereal with prune (with milk and fruit puree). Both have added iron. Scrambled egg with Cheese. Justine
  • Toast fingers with vegemite or peanut butter. Fruit toast. Weetbix with a mix of stewed fruits and natural greek yoghurt. Stewed fruits with natural greek yoghurt. Scrambled eggs. Blueberries or banana. Kids weetbix are the best as they have less salt. Stacey
  • My son hated the baby rice cereal. It tastes foul. Toast. Weetbix. Fruit. Scrambled eggs. Porridge. Steph
  • Weetbix. Toast. Fruit toast. Omelette. Scrambled eggs. Smoothie. Porridge. Pancakes/pikelets with jam. Sheree
  • Wholemeal pancakes with stewed apple, pear and cinnamon mixed into the batter. Scrambled eggs. Mixed berries with natural yoghurt. Toast. Sharon
  • Weetbix are great. Water them down with warm water and breast milk or formula. Shannon
  • Weetbix with formula or I used baby led weaning and my 7 month old has pancakes. Toast. Watermelon chunks. Blueberries. Yoghurt . Wedges of blanched stone fruit apples, peach, pears etc. Cheerios, rice bubbles with and without expressed milk. She basically has everything I have now. Kayla
  • My little one loves Weetbix with warm water to soften it and some formula. Sometimes I add yoghurt to it to add some flavour. I do the same with rice cereal where I add some fruit  or yoghurt. Sometimes just give her yoghurt mixed with fruit and no cereal. Try a variety of things and see what works for you both. Keryn
  • Weetbix. Porridge. Toast with avocado. Fruit. Yoghurt. Kylie
  • I usually mix rice cereal or oatmeal cereal with a jar of baby fruit. Like bananas or pears or something. It gives it a thickness and saves food for us actually because we have twins, but only need one jar of food per bowl of oatmeal since they have one bowl. Athena
  • Weetbix. Toast. Natasha
  • Weetbix. Porridge. Dave
  • Try sweetish veg eg pumpkin, sweet potatoes and bake them for more flavour then mashand add rice, sausages or whatever. Donna
  • Our 7 month old loves soft boiled eggs for breky, porridge, samalina with banana, any fruit with porridge (steamed pear/apple/banana usually). I make from scratch (2 min packet microwave stuff is high in sugar) in bulk then either freeze or lasts 3 days in fridge then just add fruit. Bubs loves roasted veg – I lay out alfoil then wrap whole sweet potato, zucchini, carrots in individual wraps. Chuck in oven, it is a sweeter way of preparing the veg a chef told me. Then just cool and peel and feed in 2 inch, give zucchini with skin on, bub sucks it out. Mix in cottage cheese with carrots and sweet potato. Our bub loves these the most. Mash potatoes and boiled choko are winners too.  Leah
  • Weetbix with pureed fruit for flavour Gemma

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