When Should Kids Start Going To The Dentist
When Should Kids Start Going To The Dentist: Our resident dentist explains the benefits of toddlers visiting the dentist and potential prevention of tooth decay
Uterine Prolapse
Uterine Prolaspse – Our resident midwife explains what is a prolapsed uterus, the signs and symptoms of a uterus prolapse and how a prolapse is treated
Creating Positive Sleep Associations
Sleep Consultant Tips On Creating Positive Sleep Associations. Sleep associations can be positive or negative, here are some tips to creating positive associations and helping your baby sleep.
Weight Gain in Pregnancy – Midwife Tips
Malia, our resident midwife, explains about weight gain in pregnancy. How much of your pregnancy belly is baby, the placenta amniotic fluid etc, when to seek help about your weight gain, how much weight gain in pregnancy is too much and when to keep an eye on your pregnancy weight gain.
How to Choose a School
Teacher Tips: How to choose a school for your kids. Questions to ask, what to think about to make the best choice for your child and your family
Speech Milestones: Two Year Olds
Expert Tips: Speech Pathologist, Clare, explains speech milestones age 2 and 3. Including what children should be able to say at those ages.
Day Night Confusion in Baby Sleep
Day night confusion in babies. Expert tips to help rectify the day/night confusion and get baby into a regular pattern.
The Transition From Two Naps To One
Expert Tips on dropping day sleeps: Our resident sleep consultants share some tips on how and when to transition from two naps to one with your toddler
Expressing, Storing & Managing Breast Milk
Midwife Tips: Expressing and storing breastmilk. Pump regularly or need to get organised for a special occasion, here are the best tips to get started.
The 4 Month Sleep Regression
Expert Tips: Sleep consultant, Jade, talks about the 4 month sleep regression. She discusses what it is, why it happens and how to manage the sleep changes.
Delayed Cord Clamping – Midwife explains
Midwife Tips: Midwife, Michelle, explains what delayed cord clamping is and information on should you use delayed cord clamping with your children
Financially Preparing for a Baby
Expert Tips: Financially Preparing For a Baby. Tips such such thinking about private vs public maternity care, what government assistance is available etc
Clearing Kid-Made Clutter & Organising in 5 Easy Steps!
Expert Tips: Clearing Kid Clutter and getting your house organised. Including tips for getting started, tidying the toys, kids clothes etc
Fire safety: Keeping your family safe
Expert Tips – Family Fire Safety Tips from Station Officer, Jeremy, to avoid and manage a fire in the kitchen
First Aid For Bites and Stings
Expert Tips: First aid for bites and stings – basic first aid knowledge for spider, snake, mosquitoes, bees and wasps bites can save lives. Learn more here
Pubic Hair and Labour
Expert Tips: Midwife advice on managing pubic hair and labour. All your questions answered on if you need a brazillian for your bikini line before the birth
5 Tips for Starting Your Children Online Safely
Expert Tips: Keep your kids safe online with these 5 tips for cyber safety for kids.
Whooping cough vaccination Australia
Whooping cough vaccination update. The latest recommendations for whooping cough prevention in young children and pregnant women
Are birth plans worth the paper they are written on?
Expert Tips: Midwife shares the value of a birth plan and what should be included in yours in preparation of your labour
When to keep a sick child at home?
Expert tips: GP, Melissa, shares a guide for when a child is too sick for day care or school. And tips on when you should take your child to a doctor.
Assisting a Choking Baby & Baby CPR
Expert Tips: Learn how to assist a choking baby and about baby CPR for if your baby stops breathing.
Co-parenting Communication
Expert tips: 5 secrets to co-parenting communication that will help all parents establish the best environment for their kids.
Midwife Tips: Nappy Rash Causes and Treatment
Nappy Rash Causes and Cures: Hints & Tips As a midwife and mum one of the most common questions I am asked is how to deal with nappy rash. That …
Ending Crying At School Morning Drop Off
Expert tips: Tears at school drop off? Lynn, a teacher, shares some tips to help with ending crying at school drop off
Loss of Libido After Baby
Tips for boosting your sex drive. If you are one of thousands of women across the country who feels their mojo just isn’t what it used to be ‘pre-kids’, you’ll love this simple, sensible advice from Baby Hints & Tips resident GP, Melissa Homewood.
School Organisation – 5 Expert Tips
School Organisation I am so excited, my own eldest child starts big school in less than 2 weeks (I’m also getting a bit sad as I will miss my funny …
Expert Advice: Stuttering in Children
Stuttering in children is a disorder that brings both worry and dread to parents. In this expert article, speech therapist Clare Francis lays out all you need to know about understanding, identifying and assisting your child with stuttering.
Immunisation – Your common questions and concerns answered
Vaccinations are one of the greatest advances in preventative health, but unfortunately vaccination rates have been decreasing in recent years. GP Melissa Homewood addresses a number of the common concerns and questions many parents have, separating the fact from myth.
How to trick your child into thinking healthy foods are treats
With this generation of children arguably the pickiest eaters in history, most parents know that feeding kids is no easy task. Here are some expert suggestions to make that task easier.
Clean your kids rooms
A thorough clean out of your children’s rooms will make them much easier to keep clean. Start at the top and work down. Make sure to dust with a damp …