
Baby Hints & Tips

Christmas Tree Traditions

Christmas Tree TraditionsDo you have any special put up the Christmas tree traditions?

  • My husband put out tree together last year and put the tinsel on and let our 1 and 3 year old daughters decorate.   Katrina
  • Yes. I put the lights on it and just stare at it for a while with all the other lights off and the tv off. It’s so peaceful.    Jennifer
  • Yes, we have to have to get a real tree. Hubby has a few beers and waits for the family to arrive..So son-in-law and hubby get into the ute and go off to find a tree.Hubby has usually been looking on his rounds to find one. Then when they bring it home we get all the kids ,my youngest and grandsons, to decorate it. Then there is usually the scream when a spider comes out if it. Then our son-in-law puts the star on because he is the tallest. Then the tree usually falls over, the kids are tired, their mum, our daughter, has had enough and wants to go home. Then I get to clean up the mess and can’t wait to go to bed. All good fun. Then we do it all the following year.   Kerry 
  • This is my husband, baby abd my first Christmas as a new family. We’ve decided to put the tree up on the 1st of December and then each day leading up to Christmas we’ll each put up one decoration. My hubby’s blue, mine green and baby’s pink.   Kimberly 
  • We put it up on the first of December and take it down first of January.   Sharky 
  • Have always put it up on my brother’s birthday Dec 3rd but might not be able to hold out that long! We buy a Hallmark decoration every year in memory of our first pregnancy that we lost. Will be nice when our son can choose the decoration next year.   Verlie 
  • Plus we are doing a Christmas book calendar this year for the two boys as baby can’t have chocolate. Each day a new Christmas book will be wrapped under the tree for us to sit down and read together. So excited!!!!   Kirie 
  • Yep 1st dec for us as well.   Jackie
  • There must be carols playing. And though it’s going to have to change and take turns now he has a little brother, it’s always Daddy and my son that put on the star.   Kara 
  • Putting the playpen around the tree can keep some littlies away (not my youngest her brothers taught her to climb over it at 11 months.   Melanie 
  • I have to watch national lampoons Christmas vacation while putting up the tree.   Renee
  • It was the 1st till my daughter decided to be born on the 1st, so we changed it to the 2nd so it doesn’t overshadow her birthday. Now bub #2 is due on the 8th so I don’t know what I’ll do.   Kylie
  • I put mine up 3 days ago I couldn’t help myself! But regretting it now lol my 20 month old keeps pulling the decorations off, the top half is still nice but the bottom half is almost empty, I’m definitely not putting presents under it until Xmas eve night tho.   Kelly
  • We all do ot together… on first Dec… and each year kids get a new special decoration.   Amy 
  • First sat of December, we put the tree up. Used to be all family, but this year all have families of their own but play Christmas carols.   Nina
  • Have to play Christmas Carols while putting up the tree!   Sarah 
  • Set up tree tee day after Thanksgiving, and then we rotate every year who gets to put the star on top.   Dana 
  • First of December and we buy a new decoration every year.   Chloe 
  • 1st of December and we make new decorations every year together.   Nee-nee
  • 1st Dec that’s about it.   Jessie 
  • I do it Nov 1 so we can enjoy the beauty of Xmas that bit longer!   Rachael 
  • I put mine up and put on a Christmas movie.   Kate 
  • Ours is going up this weekend as hubby works overseas and won’t be home for xmas. So will be fun putting it as a family. The rest of the decorating will happen when I get to it.   Aleisha 
  • I have always set up my mum’s tree so last week with husband and 6month dd we went and did it. Extended family is so important.   Zoe 
  • Put mine up on the 13th Dec (12days before Christmas) that is what we did as kids. My son and I decorate it and every year we get a new ornament.   Zoe 
  • We put ours up when Adelaide Christmas pageant is on, if it falls on weekend that my daughter is at her dads then following weekend I just tape it and watch it then.   Amy 
  • Dads a bit of a neat person, so while he is at work with kids we have a newbie in the family this year so it will be making some special decorations for the tree. Kirie 
  • First of December, and each yr my son gets a new fancy Xmas ball with his name and yr on it! He puts those on the tree!    Liv 
  • When my kiddies where too little to understand not yo touch, I just didn’t put decorations on the bottom half of the tree, it looked funny was its a great memory.   Kara 
  • I get them out of the box and put them with their match decoration and then the 3 kids put them on the tree, trying not to put the same decos near each other.   Kara



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