
Baby Hints & Tips


(Medical disclaimer: Tips provided need to be considered in conjunction with medical advice. For immediate concerns, please contact HealthDirect (Australia wide) ph 1800 022 222 – to talk to a registered nurse 24hrs a day, and in emergencies call 000.) 

Which contraception will suit you is a complex issue. Here are your options and some ideas of what worked for some of our mums.


The effectiveness of all methods is increased due to breastfeeding suppressing ovulation.

  • Progestogen-only contraceptives
  • Barrier methods
  • Intrauterine devices

Avoid using oestrogen containing contraceptives as they may decrease milk supply. Once breastfeeding is established, if other contraceptive methods are unacceptable these may be an option.


  • Contraception is not necessary in the first 20 days after delivery.
  • Barrier methods
  • Condoms can be used immediately.
  • Diaphragms can be fitted and used from 6 weeks postpartum when vaginal tone returns.
  • Progestogen-only contraceptives: if used before 3 weeks postpartum may cause heavy, irregular bleeding.
  • Combined oral contraceptives: delay use until at least 21 days postpartum as there may be an increased risk of clotting before this time.
  • Intrauterine devices: do not insert until >4 weeks after delivery as there is an increased rate of uterine perforation before this time (usually inserted >6 weeks after delivery).

Contraception tips from other parents:

  • I’m on the pill, I went off it and it took 14 months to conceive my ds, I went onto the mini pill while doing the breast feeding.  Maybe weight gain could be an issue but I haven’t weighed myself in a while so I have no idea! Oh and the pill I’m on is timeframe 🙂
  • I was on the pill (Yasmin) before I fell pregnant. Conceived DD within 3mths (miscarried in 2nd month) and now 20weeks with no2, took 4mths to conceive. I was on the mini pill while breastfeeding. No issues with either pill, been on Yasmin for 6yrs.
  • I was on the pill can’t remember what it was called. That have me headaches. I also had the bar but I bleed heavily for 5 months constantly so had it removed. Took us a year and a half to conceive after that
  • Levlen Ed controlled the acne, regulated my period (every 4th Thursday at 10am lol), no mood swings, no weight gain. Took 2 months to conceive after taking it for nearly 2 years
  • Multiload IUD. Lasts 10 years and NO hormones. Hormones make this gal a crazy mummy and wife. Had it between master 4 and master 6 weeks. Am having another put in tomorrow. Took us 4 months to conceive number 2 after it was removed, but I AM over 35.
  • For a pill (not breast feeding) I prefer Yasmin as I get migraines on others; while breast feeding I was on the mini pill which was fine for us. I did stop that while still feeding, and fell pregnant within a few weeks of weaning. Since having my twins I’ve had the Mirena in, so far so good I think, I get a very light period on a regular basis but no other side effects. I had Implanon in twice prior to meeting my partner, not a contraceptive I’d recommend if you’re planning a family or another pregnancy as it took 15 months for me to get a period after the second one was removed, the absence of a period for the total 5 years it was in was great though! It took us one cycle (once it happened) to fall pregnant after coming off the pill for our first bub. Hope that helps!
  • I was on Levlen Ed, hated it never helped regulate my period.. i had horrible pains, it sometimes even missed a cycle and constant phone alarms to remind me to take it was on it for 2 years & fell pregnant on in!!
    I’m not breastfeeding as I couldn’t now I’m currently on Depo Vera shots every 3 months only a light 3/4day period once I get the shot then nothing till next time!
  • I tried the Implanon while breastfeeding, it was good until i stopped bf i had my period for 3 months and had enough an had it removed! It took me 8 months to get pregnant after coming off the pill!!
  • Implanon because it’s good if you forget your pull like me lol and if you want a decent gap between children, when I was Breast feeding I used a good old condom until I stopped and implanting was put back in! It has taken me 4 months to fall pregnant after each time I’ve had the implanon taken out!
  • I am scared of hormone implants, i have always just used condoms when I’m ovulating, it has always worked for me…
  • Bbasal body temp (BBT) traking works great as long as u put the time in to map it well. 5 different pills pregnant on all, also pregnant on implanon 3 months after having it put in! Didn’t use anything while breastfeeding as we didn’t mind if we fell pregnant.
  • I fell pregnant with my 1st whilst on the pill and I took it everyday at the same time.. After that I had the marina I swear by it I never had a period and it took me 3 days after having it taken out to get pregnant! (Highly fertile!)
  • I took Levlen Ed. And was fine then started getting depo injections. I had 3 injections over 9 months and after I stopped getting it, it took 18 months for my period to come back. Then tried going back to Levlen Ed but got bad headaches n vomiting. When we started trying for our bub we fell in the first month.
  • I had implanon in for 6 months before I got it taken out. I had a couple of sporadic periods but still got the side effects too. Fell pregnant within 2 cycles after I had it taken out.
  • Was on the pill for 5 years or so before that, a few different ones. Levlen didn’t stop period side effects like cramping and headaches. Monofeme worked the best for me.
  • I am on Mirena and breastfeeding. It lasts 5 years, I had a bit of spotting initially but no issues since. I would highly recommend it, its great not to have to think about taking a pill every day. It’s not for everyone though.



Hi ladies, I have recently had a mirena in about 7 weeks ago and have continuously bled ever since with maybe a day here and there when its only spotting. I was wanting to know what others experiences were and how long did you bleed for? As im seriously thinking of getting it removed!

  • I also spotted but only 6 weeks or so, nothing since and I have had it about 5mos. My doc also said bout 6mos to settle down.
  • I was the same, settled down after about 3 or 4 months.
  • It took me about 3 months to stop spotting all the time and now no more periods at all (6 months on) and only occasional spotting and cramps but i have been having some migraines which i think are related.
  • I don’t have it, but my dr warned me that it was possible it would be like that and take up to 12 months settle. Hence I went back on the pill.
  • I was the same as u and spoke to my friends that used them also as I was thinking of removal but they said just persist with it and it settled around 3mths and presto, mine settle at 3months! Can take up to 12mths to settle fully but my friends that haven’t had their periods for 5 years say its definitely worth it! Stick with it, I’m glad I did!

 Which contraception did you use? What did you like or dislike about it? Share your tips below.

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