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Elf On The Shelf Is Coming – Arrival Ideas With Wow Factor!

Elf on the shelfFor those doing Elf on the shelf this year, all Santa’s little Elves will be turning up all the way from the North Pole, what’s your tradition for ‘announcing’ their arrival?

  • We received clothes in the post from the North Pole yesterday to be put out tonight for Rosie our Elf. Last night we had our first Santa for he season at child care so upon big sisters gift tag Santa advised Rosie had left the North Pole & was on her way …..keep your eye out for her Felicity
  • I don’t have an Elf on the Shelf. I only just heard about them a few days ago so we have improvised and created our own little idea. We will never actually see the Elf but every night he will fly here from the North Pole and deliver a special letter which will have a Christmas activity that the kids must do everyday as per Santa’s request. Hoping this works and then we will have the actual Elf next year Kayla
  • We started ours today as we are leaving early tomorrow morning to go somewhere. This is the first time we are doing it. We watched the elf on the shelf movie last night to introduce the idea then when we got home from sport today there was a wrapped parcel with a letter addressed to our boys at the front door. They were so excited! Our elf named “Buddy jinx” is now still in his box on the tv cabinet with two hand made thank you cards from my boys to Santa. Our elf buddy will leave his box tonight to go back to Santa and take the letters to Santa and then will be in a different spot tomorrow morning with a special letter and certificate with our elfs details on it from santa! Our boys are so excited!!! We got ours from the book depository (uk online) with free worldwide shipping =o) took just over a week to get to me in penrith, Sydney Nikky
  • Ours will arrive tomorrow by a special fairy door. First year for us. Very excited to start!! Jess
  • Mine arrived by the postman (our first year) and had to hide in the cupboard until Santa says it’s time to put up our Christmas tree but he knows the “mr elfie” ( the name my just 3 year old gave him) is still watching in the cupboard and when he comes out he is gonna make sure that he is being good so he can tell Santa that he is being good and so Santa will bring him some presents. Sara
  • this is our first year with ours ( so excited! ) im thinking of printing a letter from santa announcing the elfs arrival later in the day and when my boy goes outside to play, the elf will magically appear with his book Ashleigh
  • We just pulled out the xmas decos and found the book wrapped up in the box with letter from santa. We read the book togther and in the letter ot stated there.wil b a treasurehunt tomorrow to find her. Cant wait to set that up tonight Rebecca

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