
Baby Hints & Tips

General meal ideas

What does your little one eat throughout the day?

  • my 13mo DD loves spag bowl mostly the mince part, she also loves fish, oven baked fish is easy to prepair. occasionally ill make her little quiches, just wisk up a few eggs ad some vegies and pour into muffin tins and it is perfect size for her
    for brekky she usually has toast or weetbix and for lunch its usually a vegimite sandwhich   Kaila
  • Dried/fresh fruit, raw/cooked vege, pasta, fish, chicken, snack foods but fruit first, sanbos, toasties, wraps, yoghurt, custard, anything really (2 year old). Don’t be afraid of using herbs and spices and if it calls for it maybe reduce chilli although unless it is burn your bum off hot we don’t as there are no problems. We do give red meat but she only really eats handle bar chops or sausages and it is a treat to have Devon etc.   Keely
  • I try and make food fun to encourage my 23mnth old dd to eat good foods. Presentation is key . I know she would rather eat a brightly coloured salad, than a sandwich just whacked on a plate. I also have a container full of shape cutters I sometimes use to cut shapes, animals etc into her sandwiches, or her steamed carrot, pumpkin, fruit etc. its a great way to make her eat her veggies! We have fun naming the shapes as she gobbles them down lol   Tamara
  • My 18 month old loves homemade fish patties. We put tuna, corns, peas etc in it so she is getting her veges without realising. She loves them   Rebecca
  • From 6-12monyhs my lo ate every vege & every fruit from zucchini to grapes. Then the eating myself stage started & it went dwn hill lol now he has
    Breaky: banana/strawberries, toast, sometimes cereal (nutrigrain, rice bubbles)
    morning tea: yoghurt, cheese stick, cracker(gluten free)
    Lunch: fish fingers, chicken nuggets, sandwich or leftovers from dinner.
    Afternoon tea: fruit, fruit bar, crackers
    Dinner: whatever we eat or I’ll cook lil pieces of steak & veges.
    He’s 17m/o    Krystal
  • Annabel karmel is a good app   Jenna
  • My son who is now 8.5months old loves sweet potato, cauliflower and leek mashe together. And I must admit, it tastes pretty god damn good! Annabel Karmel has some very good recipes!   Christie – Lee
  • My son is 17 months and has- brekkie- toast, homemade pikelets, French toast, boiled egg, omlete, baked beans, jaffles, fruit, yoghurt, cereal, smoothies and muffins.
    Lunch and dinner- veggies, homemade nuggets, pies, fish, meat, different pastas, homemade fried rice, corn on the cob, cottage pie, cous cous, risotto, homemade chips, soup
    Dessert- bread and butter pudding, creamed rice, baked custard, stewed fruit and custard/yoghurt/ice cream, jelly
    Snacks- We carry a lunch box of snacks all the time and he chooses what he wants. I pack fruit, sandwiches, corn thins, rice crackers, rice wheels, sulphate free dried fruit, baby bel cheese (has no preservatives), homemade muffins, cup cakes, biscuits, country cheese bickies, honey tiny teddies, sultanas, squeezy yoghurt, fruit bun, cheese rolls, scones. That’s all I can think of now. He is forever going on and off things, so always looking for new ideas!   Brooke

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