(Disclaimer: All information provided should be used in conjunction with safety guidelines such as those from SIDS and Kidsafe. The hints and tips listed are from website users not that of the website owner and a doctor should be consulted before relying on the information found here. Go to Sids and Kids for more information on safe sleeping. Refer to Kidsafe for information on household safety and on car restraints. Take this information into consideration in conjunction with the following practical advice from parents.)
How long did you wrap your baby?
- My 2 told me when they didnt want 2 b wrapped as they kept unwrappin themself no matter how tight i wrapped them both around 5 wks. Sarah
- Till they grew too big for the wraps haha. I think one was 3/4 months, the other like 2. 🙂 Erin
- My lo is almost 11 months & still wrapped .. I see it as a benefit as she is still sleeping on her back. Belinda
- i stopped wrapping my baby about 2 weeks after he was born and i put him in a grow bag coz he hated having his hands restricted. Aneta
- My boy hated being wrapped so we went to sleeping bags pretty much straight away. Wendy
- not long at all!! only because she would get out all the time even as a wee baby : ) I remember asking our child health nurse how to swaddle her properly cause i though I was doing it wrong cause she would get her arms out – she showed us how to swaddle her and with in seconds Chloe had one arm out haha then the next, the nurse was shocked and said to not worry about it : ) Natalie
- My now two year old was wrapped for the first 3 months but by four months we were wrapping with his arms out as he just didn’t like it. My daughter is now 3 months and we put her in a sleeping bag at about 4 weeks. She transitioned really well. Lisa
- around 8 months 🙂 Mandy
- my 2yr old has to be wraped still she LOVES it!! My Hmonth old wont sleep unless she is wrapped also!! ,y mum said i loved being wrapped till bout 2! * yes its intrestong wrapping ur 2yr old* i use a single sheet! Abb
- 4 months once he started rolling. Meghan
- my sons 3months and I put him a swaddle me wrap each night when we read 2him before bed.. Its more a routine thing-he knows its bed time and he doesnt squirm around but.. He does always unwrap himsel by morning.. @least one arm is always out.. Duno wen il stop tho?? I tried not wrapping him one night but he was really restles and wiggled all night! Kept me up lol Kylie
- i love the grow bags. my lil man just lays there when i put him to bed. Aneta
- 8months and now sleeps perfectly! So many people told me i was doing the “wrong” thing yet my baby now 18months is a better sleeper then the sceptics kids so go figure! Marissa
- im glad this question was asked as my 4 mth old loves to be wrapped and was wondering if i should stop (as she wont sleep if she is not wrapped) but apparently not!! 🙂 Angela
- I wrapped my daughter till she was about 8 months. She still unwrapped herself but it was the only way she would stay asleep after i put her in her bed. Amanda
- only did it in the hospital Kristy
- From a day old my dd always got one or both arms out so she went into grobag around two weeks and slept better when she wasn’t wrapped. They are all different. Ebony
- 8 or 9 months. Blake
- I still wrap my 5 month old, its more of a routine thing, not sure how he’d go if i didnt wrap him, and given that he likes to suck his thumb its probably a good thing his hands are tucked away hehe! Lisa
- til about 5 months, then into a sleeping bag… made the change when my little man started being restless at night being wrapped and as soon as we put him in a sleeping bag he went back to sleeping like normal. Andrea
- I swaddled my bubs up until they could wriggle their arms out and eventually unwrap them selves, can’t remember how old they were. I found swaddling helped to get them to sleep especially when over tired. Prue
- my son is 8months next week and i still wrap him and then put him in a gro bag. He has slept all through the night since 6weeks old. different story for my girls, they were little houdinis from day one- i could never keep them wrapped up. Sammy
- My 5 month old is still wrapped, I actually have to double wrap him so he can’t get those arms out because as soon as they are out he is awake and won’t go back to sleep until he is wrapped again. I tried over a period of 3 weeks to slowly transition him, 1 arm, 2 arms and then just around his body, it was like having a newborn in the house again but worse. I will just keep doing it till he protests while I wrap him. Kushla
- Until she could roll. Tarryn
- Depends on child. Both mine 4 months. Takes them a week to stop hitting their faces. Also mine squeeles when wrapping at that age but of your bub likes it no need to stop I guess until he she starts squirming. Thomay
- I wrapped my daughter quite tight until she was able to roll over. Then i loosened the wrap a bit, she was still able to get out of it but i found she fell asleep alot easier being wrapped. I stopped at about 5 months. Emily
How long did you wrap your baby? Why did you stop?