
Baby Hints & Tips

How To Get Your Own Celebrity Pram For Less

For many, choosing a pram is an obsession. After all, they are one piece of baby-furniture that usually comes with a large price tag and something parents all over the world rely on heavily to safely transport babies in, day in and day out. We want them to be easy to maneuver, look the goods and be super convenient.

Whether you look to your friends and family for advice or the Hollywood mums for inspiration, our top cream of the crop prams are loved by the celebs and can be purchased for next to nothing (okay well not quite but considerable cheaper than their mega price tags!) using our secret tips. Now that’s something to talk about.

quinny_moodd_2013_3-wheels_pinkprecious.ashxQuinny Moodd: Stylish and Functional

It’s not only our very own Rebecca Judd who loves the Quinny Moodd, Heidi Klum and Gwen Stefani have also given the Quinny their celeb-stamp of approval. This 3-in-1-travel system can be used with a range of accessories including a Carrycot from birth, a Maxi-Cosi cat seat and a stroller as baby grows. It really does tick all the right boxes and with its perfect mix of style and functionality, it’s no wonder this is a celebrity favourite.

bugaboo_donkey_25_39lspecsGet a Bugaboo: Go Dutch

With a hefty price tag, the Dutch Bugaboo is definitely a pram much loved by celebrity mums. Whether you’re a fan of Kate Hudson, Hilary Diff or Victoria Beckham, chances are you’ve seen them proudly parading the streets with theirs. It really is the ultimate option with a huge range of features and comes in a color that both you and baby will fall in love with. Whether you prefer a Cameleon, a Donkey, the Buffalo or the cute Bugaboo Bee, there is bound to be a variation that suits you needs and lifestyle. And with more accessories on offer than you’ll probably ever need, you can’t go wrong.


Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 11.36.44 pmOrbit Baby: Stroller to the stars

Love your Apple products? Then you’ll love the Orbit Baby Stroller. With the option to expand to a double plus an iPad attachment, you and your baby will never run out of entertainment. Jessica Alba loves hers, so too does the ever-popular Kim Kardashian. Whilst they probably paid upwards of $1400 for theirs, keep reading to find out how you can get one for much less than that.

Not only do these look great, but they are versatile, expandable if you plan on more kids, portable and easy to pack and with a chair that conveniently converts into a car seat, that’s’ one less item you need to buy. That’s clever thinking, don’t you agree. And if you want to pretend you’re a celeb for a day, you’ll be glad to know that the Orbit Baby comes with its very own paparazzi protection shield.

Baby Jogger City Mini: For Fitness freaks

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 11.37.40 pmIf you’ve got fitness on the brain, you can’t look further than the extremely lightweight 3-wheeler Baby Jogger City Mini. Folding virtually flat with one hand, this will take your bubba from birth to 4 years without a problem.
Matt Damon’s daughter Stella loves hers, because like her award winning father, this stroller has award-winning features including a quick-fold technology and a near flat reclining seat with a convenient weather cover. Designing strollers for over 25 years, Baby Jogger is one to love. It’s the last pram you’ll ever need and is a purchase you’ll not regret!

There’s no doubt parents-to-be all around the world are watching with bated breath which pram the Royal couple Will and Kate will choose for their second child. Could it be the Bugaboo, the Orbit Baby or a Quinny?

Regardless of their purchase, whilst they are pushing their new babies around in prams with ridiculous price tags, you can get yours for a far more practical price. You’ll find a huge range of high-end prams on Gumtree and online marketplaces. eBay is a veritable treasure-trove of pre-loved baby equipment and there is also stacks of local pram trading groups on Facebook as well as traditional ‘Baby & Kids: Buy, Swap, Sell’ pages for your local area.

You can also consider baby hire options or, even better, borrow from friends and family. Major retailers (of course) have annual sales with discounts of up to 30% and if you follow some pram manufacturer / importer’s websites you can occasionally also find warehouse sales and direct clearances of superseded lines. There is also large Baby & Kids markets that deal in second hand items – many great bargains can be achieved there – but for a good pram you’ll need to be the ‘early bird’!

The other thing to consider with a high-end pram purchase is the re-sale value. Protect your pram and keep it in good condition knowing you can recoup at least 50% of its value down the track.

Amanda DelatyckiAll of these prams deliver on what they promise. Whether you are after a celebrity endorsed model or one that you love for its practical simplicity, its great to know that you don’t always have to pay the celebrity price tag.

About the author: Amanda Delatycki is a Corporate Writer and owner of www.livelovebean.com.au – an online magic message bean gift store specialising in quirky, creative, affordable gifts for all occasions. Be sure to check them out! 

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