
Baby Hints & Tips

Mater Newborn Gift Pack

world premmie dayWe have teamed up with our friends at the Mater Hospital this World Prematurity Day and are giving away a gift hamper.

Mater Newborn Gift hamper RRP $55

  • Mater Nappies – Newborn First Weeks x 1 pack
  • Mater Baby Wash x 1
  • Mater Baby Moisturiser x 1
  • Mater Body Balm for pregnancy x 1mater gift pack

Thursday 17 November is a day of remembrance, celebration and support to recognise prematurehttps://babyhintsandtips.com/tag/premature-babies/ births.  In the Mater’s Neonatal Critical Care Unit more than 2000 babies are supported with specialist life-saving care each year. Affectionately known as Mater Little Miracles, these babies are cared for by a team of expert specialists, nurses and midwives within the walls of one of Australia’s largest neonatal critical care units.

Discount at the Mater Hospital Shop

Enter discount code BABYHINTS15 at checkout to receive exclusive 15% discount.

** Excludes shipping which is charged at a flat $10 per order. Discount code valid until midnight 31st December 2016.

Mater Newborn Gift pack

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