Dealing with Unwanted Advice
You’re out and about with your new baby, a rare outing in public between feeds. Your baby feeds like clockwork every three hours so you haven’t sleep more than two …
Midwife Tips: Choosing where to give Birth
When it comes to choosing where to birth your baby there are many things to think about and it can be quite overwhelming, but choosing the right place for you can have an enormous impact on your pregnancy, birthing and post partum experience and it is not quite as simple as public vs private.
Medication Tips: Iron Tablets
If you have low iron, your Doctor may recommend taking iron tablets. These are some of the things you need to be aware of before you start taking them.
Long haul travel with a baby
Travel with Tots share the tips they learnt while travelling long distance with their four month old.
Post Pregnancy Exercise: R.E.S.T.
The key to post pregnancy exercise is REST: Relax, Exercise, Sleep, Time for Mum.
Breastfeeding tips
Breastfeeding is natural so it should be easy right? For some women it does come very naturally but for the majority it is a skill that needs to be learned. Not so much by the baby as it is instinctive to them, but by the mother.
Postnatal Depression and Baby Massage
The impact of postnatal depression on mothers is becoming more well-known, but did you know that postnatal depression also affects babies?
Toy of the millennium – you!
There are just so many toys nowadays it makes the mind boggle. Well, here’s a little secret: you are the best toy for your baby. Let me explain how you help develop your baby’s brain.
Elimination Communication
There’s been a few questions lately regarding the optimum time to begin potty training and troubles with “traditional” potty training. I’ve noticed that the mere mention of potty training before the traditional age of 2/2.5 brings out a lot of opinions! More often than not the debates revolve around children not being ready to express and control their toileting needs at a young age.
Preparing for labour
Midwife Caroline May shares her top five tips for not only surviving, but getting the most out of your labour experience (for you and bub).
Edible playdough recipe
This is good for younger children, just in case they eat it. Regular playdough contains LOTS of salt. Note that salt is a preservative, so this will not keep as long. It should still last a week or more in an air tight container in the fridge. See the microwave option for a less messy pot.
Health Tips: Losing the Baby Weight
Tips supplied by With summer nearly here, it is time to up the anti on your healthy eating and weight loss plans and increase the amount of weight bearing …
Baby Massage – More than just Relaxation
Mmm… Massage. The word instantly conjures up images of lying in a deeply relaxing state, surrounded by gentle music and the light smell of lavender, while being blissfully kneaded until all your worries melt away. Baby massage, however, is much more than that. It can both relax and stimulate. It’s a way of interacting and a way of providing relief.