School Lunch Ideas
Did you know that in a primary school cycle you will make over 1500 school lunches? Heading back into the school routine after such a long break can be a little daunting. What you need to know is that it can be very simple and easy to create healthy school lunches every day – without using the quick option of packaged snacks.
Here’s my sure-fire way to achieving lunchbox success without the stress…
Bulk Bake and Freeze
By baking up a storm and freezing savoury and sweet muffins, scrolls, pikelets, scones for quick lunchbox “treats” can be taken out and defrosted in the lunchbox, a snack that is healthy and yummy! Try our One Muffin Recipe with endless combinations.
Prepare Sunday Night
Prepare cut fruit and vegetables and pop them in ziplock bags or containers to keep fresh for up to 3 days. Dip Apples in orange juice or soda water to keep from going brown. You can keep hard-boiled eggs in their shell (or egg mold) in the fridge for up to 5 days. A perfect protein snack!
Create a Bento Lunchbox
Bento in Japan means “Packed Lunch” – a little of this and a little of that. So using that concept, get a lunchbox with dividers or use silicone food cups and fill the sections up with healthy snacks. Sandwich cut in to quarters, fruit, vegetables, sushi, popcorn, pretzels, raisins, dips, hard-boiled egg, leftover dinner – chicken schnitzel, lamb chops, sausages, meatballs. Creating lots of little nibbles will keep them interested and also create a healthy school lunch. Write a list of each child’s favourite sandwich toppings, fruit, vegetables and snacks, print it out and pop it on your kitchen cupboard so you are never too far away from creating something they love.
Keep cool Mum!
One question on everyone’s mind is how to keep it cool in the hot Australia Summer? Pop the lunchbox into an insulated lunchbag with an icepack on the bottom. This will keep it cool all day. You can also fill a reusable food pouch with yoghurt and freeze, and then pop them into the insulated lunchbags to act as an extra icepack and a cool treat at lunchtime.
Think small with bite size pieces
Ensuring their lunch is eaten every day, cutting food into appropriate bite size pieces is a great way to encourage the maximum food eaten in the limited time they get to eat and play. This is again where creating a healthy Bento style lunchbox will help.
We’ve also got three great printables you might like to check out – perfect for on the fridge for weekly lunchbox planning and inspiration: Fruit & Vegies, Protein & Carbs & sandwich filling ideas.
In closing, I hope your school year is filled with easy mornings, delicious lunchboxes and not too many three-day-old sandwiches stuck in the bottom of the school bag!
About The Author: “We want to help encourage and inspire everyone to have a healthy Bento lunchbox every day!” says School Lunchbox Expert Yvette Bowyer, owner of Little Bento World. “Along with our unique Bento lunchboxes, printables and daily lunchbox ideas via Instagram, Facebook and our blog, Little Bento World has received amazing feedback from our customers on how we have helped them stay motivated to create healthy lunchboxes for their children.” Click on through to learn more.