
Baby Hints & Tips

Baby sleep clock – toddler product review

I am wanting reviews on toddler sleep training clocks (Gro clock etc) and if you think they helped! My 2.5year old daughter has been waking up in the middle of the night for the past couple of weeks thinking that it’s time to get up…..I need to do something to help her realise when it really is time to get up. Thanks in advance.

  • I simply told both my boys if it’s dark it’s not time to get up. Lisa
  • I found they work from about 3 years old. Although they are worth starting early to get your child used to the idea. For me they stopped my kids waking at 5am and we slowly changed them to waking at 6:20. Tanya
  • Gro clocks are fantastic but there’s a learning curve. Takes awhile for them to understand. It took my 3yr old about 3 weeks or so but now she’s great. She will stay in her room until wakey wakey time. There’s a parent learning curve too on what time to set it. On the weekends we set it for 8:30 for a sleep in. She will wake around 8 and be quiet until the sun comes up. I think they are wonderful but I’m unsure how long it will take a 2.5 yr old to understand. It works so well that last weekend we had to get up at 6:30 for Disney on ice. She told me off saying it wasn’t wakey wakey time so she wanted to sleep. I forgot to set her clock for 630. Mel
  • We got a GroClock for our daughter at around a similar age. It took a little while for her to adjust but the book that came with it really helped and it didn’t take her too long to know that she needs to ‘stay in bed until the sun’. It was also good for naptime when she was still having them as you can have 2 different ‘wakeup’ times set. So we have been able to change her getting up from 5.30/6am to now 7am. Also we let her know if she wakes up earlier that she doesn’t have to go back to sleep but she just needs to play quietly in her bed, and in general she ends up going back to sleep anyway! Angela
  • My experience – yes, they are worth it. We bought the Baby Zoo Momo Sleep Clock and have been very happy with it – even though it does make a bit of noise when the monkey opens his eyes. We bigged it up before it arrived & used it continuously. BUT if your daughter is anything like our son … expect that it will take a while to ‘work’. I reckon it took a good 6 months+ but magically, one morning it kicked in. Now, even if our little chap wakes up before 0715, he doesn’t get out of bed or scream for us. He lies/sits in bed singing & talking to his toys. Of course, as soon as Momo is awake we get “WAKEY WAKEY” or “IT’S MORNING!”  I would say that if you get one, use it EVERY DAY and always point out that Momo/whatever is not awake yet even if you have to get your child up. We did that and tbh I was at the point of thinking “well that didn’t work” and giving up when suddenly our boy got the point. Good luck! (Also we were dealing with just early rising, not waking in the night).  Alex
  • Yes they work! Our dd use to want to get up at 5am. She now sleeps till 6.30-7am. In fact we have bought our 11 week old one for his room as it gives off enough light to be able to change nappies etc at night and we will start using it when he is older for sleeping. Carmel
  • I got a go clock for my boy, 4.5″ he was getting up at 4 am, it worked perfectly for about a month, now he plays “quietly” if he wakes before but it seems to have lost it’s effectiveness because he will come into my room at stupid hours lately. Melanie

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