
Baby Hints & Tips

10 Reasons Why You Need a Dehumidifier in Your Child’s Bedroom

why you need a humidifier in childs bedroom

Ever wondered if you need a dehumidifier in your child’s bedroom? This mum of five trialled one and she’s got ten reasons for you that the answer is a resounding ‘yes!’ 

As a mum of 5 little boys including twin toddlers, I can always do with more sleep! When my twins were babies, their sleep was frequently interrupted with stuffy noses, breathing difficulties and waking up wet with sweat in the summer months. Every little night wakeup resulted in a huge sleep debt for mum and dad to the point where we were like walking zombies in the day!

Like most parents, my priority is that my children get a comfortable night’s sleep. Because if they sleep well, then mum and dad sleep well! Most people are probably familiar with humidifiers, which make the air more comfortable in the dry, cold winter months; however, it’s also possible to make the air more comfortable on hot, sticky summer nights with the help of a dehumidifier.

We had already been using a humidifier over the winter months, so we invested in a quality dehumidifier for the summer months as well to increase the level of comfort our twins experienced in their rooms. We noticed a reduction in stuffiness and a decrease in the number of night wake-ups due to discomfort. This has meant more sleep for our twins and more sleep for mum and dad!

Philips 2-in-1 Air Dehumidifier & Purifier reviewHere are my 10 reasons why you need a dehumidifier in your kids’ bedrooms:

  1. Removing excess humidity from the air helps keep your child in good health. Humidity encourages mould and mildew to grow in your home; which can lead to breathing disorders.
  2. Excess humidity can even worsen conditions like asthma. As a mum of 2 kids with asthma, it’s important to me that they can breathe comfortably, especially overnight, when asthma flare-ups always seem to happen!
  3. Dust mites, which can also cause respiratory problems, thrive in a humid environment. Using a dehumidifier to lower the humidity will reduce the number of dust mites in the bedroom also.
  4. When moisture isn’t able to dry properly, which can be an issue in small bedrooms, the resultant mould and mildew causes a musty odour and can cause a number of allergy symptoms. Look out for itchy, watery eyes, skin rashes, difficulty breathing and wheezing, a blocked nose and sneezing, which can all be signs of a reaction to mould and mildew. By simply removing the source of the problem with a dehumidifier, your child can get some relief from these unpleasant symptoms.
  5. If your child suffers from allergies already, the use of a dehumidifier may reduce or relieve these symptoms by removing allergens from the bedroom environment. Removing the source of the problem deals with the allergens that are causing the problem in the first place.
  6. Humidity makes us so uncomfortable! Think of those hot, sticky summer nights when you just can’t sleep because you’re so sticky and clammy. Your child feels this way too, which can make it hard for them to sleep also. An air conditioner cools the air, but it won’t remove humidity. A dehumidifier draws the moisture from the air, preventing that stickiness and allowing your child’s body to cool more efficiently.
  7. Excess humidity not only makes your child uncomfortable at night, it saps their energy too. They may be more likely to be grumpy the next day after a poor night’s sleep. Reducing the humidity in the air leads to better sleep, more energy and a happier child the next day!
  8. Moisture can stain the walls of your child’s room. Look out for signs of water stains on walls and ceilings and condensation build-up on windows. Keep an eye out for signs of mould, such as mould spore on the walls. Is there little to no ventilation in the room? If you see any of these signs, a dehumidifier is necessary.
  9. Even if your child doesn’t have issues or your baby isn’t born yet, it’s a good idea to have a dehumidifier in their room to keep the air comfortable and to prevent issues with dampness leading to problems for your child later on down the track. Think of it as insuring your child’s continued easy breathing and good health!
  10. If your child is a comfortable temperature, is not feeling sweaty or sticky, is not experiencing allergies then they will sleep better. Your child sleeping better means parents sleep better, everyone is more well rested and happy to work and play!

Philips 2-in-1 Air Dehumidifier & Purifier

Reap the benefits!

It is clear that a dehumidifier has a number of benefits when used in a child’s bedroom so if you want your child to sleep better and feel better each day, it pays to invest in a high quality product, such as the Philips Air Dehumidifier & Purifier 2 in 1, which will keep your child comfortable and happy for many years to come.

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About the Author:

Deidre is a busy mum to 5 little boys including 2 sets of twins, who loves to share her experiences of life as a double twin mum. She is a full time secondary school teacher, is the main breadwinner and in her very limited free time she enjoys writing, reading, social media and is an avid fan of The Barefoot Investor. Deidre lives with her hubby and sons in North East Victoria in a quaint old house that is bursting at the seams with little boys! You can follow Deidre on her blog 'Aussiemum Unleashed' 'Aussiemum Unleashed'

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