When did your periods return after having your baby? If you breastfed, were you still breastfeeding and how often? If you had stopped, how long had it been?
- With my son over 12 months can’t remember exactly my dd is nearly 6 months and nothing still. Kristy
- My 16 mth old still BF & my period came back at 6 months. I was in total shock when it did! Lol. Rebecca
- I breastfed for 17 months and was on the mini pill – I never had a period during that time, until I stopped breastfeeding and went on the regular pill. Nicole
- months and still breastfeeding 3-4 times daily. Sarah
- I got mine 4 months after my son was born – not bf. now I’m bf my 3.5 month old and have had it 3 times randomly but only for a day at a time. Kathryn
- I breast fed for 3 months, but they came back on the next cycle and were normal. Hannah
- I had a light period when my son was 9 months. Went back to my normal cycle once my son weaned at 13 months. Ashleigh
- wait might be a rookie question but do u not bleed whilst breast feeding. Ashh
- Not normally due to hormones!! Carly
- Bf for 7.5 months then stopped and period came back 2 months after that but still irregular every 6-8weeks or so. Stephanie
- Still breast feeding at 9.5 months and they returned at 6 months. Been regular right from the start. Bugger it! Catherine
- I breast fed for 4 months then went on a holiday to the states, my breast milk dried up because of the high altitude of the state we were in. My period came as soon as I had quit trying to breast feed… The next cycle was normal. Rachel
- Almost 4 months into breast feeding and still no period fingers crossed it holds out! Alana
- I got mine around 5.5 mths- I exclusively breastfed until 6mths. Jen
- Breastfed both kids, first came back when bubs was 4 weeks, my 2nd is now 5 months and it still hasn’t made an appearance. Alicia
- I was ripped off! My first 3 I BF for between 14-26 months & came back before 6 months old! They were only ever once a night wakers though & slept through early on. Caprice
- Mine got back on the 5th month after my daughter was born; I’m exclusively breastfeeding until now and currently am my dd is 9 months old… Ria
- With my first, finished BF when he was 6.5mth and got it back at 9 months. With my second, still BF at 7.5mths & it hasn’t come back yet. Lauren
- I’m still bf my dd she’s 9 months and no period yet, I also have the Mirena in so that could be why. Donna
- I’m still feeding my daughter who just turned one. I haven’t had a period since April 2011 :)))) Bianca
- I breastfed for 11.5 months and my period came back at about 12-13 months. Teagan
- Not till after I COMPLETELY stopped breastfeeding at around 14 months. Louise
- My son is 8 months old and I haven’t had a period since falling pregnant, he is still breastfed 3 times a day, has 1 formula bottle and sleeps from 8pm till 7am. I never want to give up breast feeding if it means my period will stay away forever… Although I think I’m going to be in for a world of hurt when it comes back with a vengeance! Melissa
- Still waiting…. My little guy is 17 months and still breast feeding. I have had symptoms that they are in their way, but still nothing. Kylie
- DS- period returned 9mths post partum, fed for 16mths DD- period returned 6mths post partum, fed for 19mths. I should add…in both cases it took about 9mths for my cycle to regulate…when it returned it was scanty and irregular. Alison
- After my 1st – 14mths and still breastfeeding, fed for another year until I was 3mths pregnant with #2 After #2 – 15mths, still breastfeeding had one and then got pregnant after a month. Fed until 1 week before #3 was born. After #3 – 21mths, still breastfeeding (still going now at 28mths). Alina
- My period came back at about 14 months and I bf. Jamie
- Mine returned immediately. 5 weeks post birth. I’m still breastfeeding ds 11 mths and have had a regular monthly period from day 1. I also demand fed roughly 1-2 hourly including through the night until 8 mths. Samantha
- Mine were all different. The longest I BF’d for was 3mths but I was still postnatal bleeding at 9 weeks with that one. other babies I had a period around 6 weeks ish. Elizabeth
- Both times they were back 3 mths after bub arrived. I felt rather ripped off actually. I was still exclusively breastfeeding both times as well. Cat
- I’m still breastfeeding my 11 month old, mine came back when he was three months old and I fell pregnant again when he was 6 months old. Proof that breastfeeding as contraception is an old wives tale! Grace
- Six months I started getting my period and ovulating. It’s important to realize u may get ur period but not b ovulating n vise versa. I fell pregnant straight away while fully breastfeeding. Exclusively breastfeeding should not b used ad contraception… It may not work. Candice
- I also fell pregnant again 6 mths after my first & was still breastfeeding. Definitely do not count on breastfeeding as contraception! Cat
- I didn’t have a period until I stopped breastfeeding which was 12 months. Karen
- With no.1 they returned at 2months & me bf till bub was 10mths. With no.2 they returned at 10mths but weren’t regular till about 18months. Still bf no.2 & she’s 27months. Nat
- came back when my son was exactly 11mths. still bf’ing and it has been irregular. he has only just turned 12 mths old. Britt
- I’m still breast feeding at 11 months 5-8 times a day. They came back at 7 months. First 2 weren’t so bad, the last 2 have been worse than I’ve ever had seriously intense pain. Angela
- Mine returned when my daughter was 4 mths old. Who believes that BF is a contraceptive? Sue
- Mine came back when my baby was 6 WEEKS and has been like clockwork since. She’s 11 months old now and still BF. Mary-Elaine
- I second that Sue Walton. Definitely not true! Mine returned when my DS was three months, he’s now five months and I’m still bf. I think it’s a good thing as we’re going to try for a second soon. Tanya
- Some people (older generation) were surprised that I fell pregnant again while breastfeeding. It was planned. Grace
- I got my period 6 weeks after giving birth and I lost my milk at 9 weeks. Amy
- weeks and I was breastfeeding, fell pregnant twice while exclusively breastfeeding also. Elle
- 12months when I stopped bf. Whitney
- I was back to normal the next month with both my children and I breast fed the first one for nine months and my little girl is 6 months and still breast feeding. Kristy
- My DD was 11 months old when mine returned she’s still bf at 21 months and I’m also pregnant. Rachel
- my daughter is 16 months. just now weaning her. I only breast fed…she refused the bottle! my period started after 2 months:-/ and were regular too. Monique
- Mine returned after 14months when I started to wean my breastfed LO. Was bliss. Michelle
- I was breastfeeding for 2 years and didn’t get my period until about the 18month mark… was so good not having it!! Spoilt