
Tag: Episiotomy

Preparing for labour

Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!

Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.

Third degree perineal tear

Q&A: I am really in need of some ladies positive stories about how they healed and recovered after 3rd degree perineum tears?

Experiences with tearing or episiotomy in labour

Q&A: What are your experiences with tearing or having an episiotomy during birth?

Episiotomy recovery with physiotherapy

Q&A: Has anyone had a midwife refer them to a physio because of a traumatic birth that required a large episiotomy?

Partial rectal prolapse after episiotomy

Q&A: Just wondering if anyone has experienced partial rectal prolapse as a result of an episiotomy? What was done about it? Was surgery or physical therapy an option?