How long did your Miscarriage Symptoms last?
Q&A: I found out two weeks ago that my early pregnancy wasn’t viable, and two days ago started heavily bleeding and badly cramping and going through my miscarriage. How long did your miscarriage symptoms last?
How Losing A Child Changed My Life
At 5am on Tuesday 5th February 2013 I gave birth to a baby boy at home. He was 20 weeks plus 1 day gestational age and weighed a mere 340 grams. I held my son for his whole life: 8 minutes. I named my son Cash Alan…
Overcoming fear of miscarrying again
Q&A: I found out yesterday that I had miscarried. I was 5 weeks. Hubby and I had been trying for this one (#2) for a while so we were over the moon when we found out we were pregnant. How do we overcome the shock? I’m really struggling but hubby is struggling a lot more than I thought he would. I’m trying to stay strong for him but inside I’m dying. How can I grieve and be there for him? We are both now too scared to try again. How do people overcome this fear that it may happen again?
Dealing with Miscarriage
Q&A: I had a miscarriage, but I don’t think I am dealing with it very well. How can I move forward?
Considering abortion after losing a child
Q&A: I’m not sure what to do, my friend had a 4 month old and the other week he passed in his sleep, well today she rang me crying because she just found out she is pregnant and feels she cannot cope. she does not want to keep the baby and no matter what I said to her she is still firm with the idea of abortion, she feels like she is “replacing” her little boy.
Paisley’s Story
Paisley was born sleeping at 23 weeks after being diagnosed with a non-survivable condition nine days earlier. Mer mother Emma shares their story: about how she reacted to that news and the days that followed, and the people who helped her along her unbearable journey (and many of whom continue to do so).