Reflux Medication Increase Risk of Allergies
A new update on the use of anti-reflux medications in children. True reflux in infants occurs when stomach acid comes up the digestive tract and irritates the digestive lining. It …
Ask an expert – pregnancy category drugs. Which medicines are safe in pregnancy?
Learn about safe medicines in pregnancy. Our expert pharmacist, Tanya Burgess explains pregnancy category drugs and how to keep your baby safe.
Stopping breastfeeding with medication
Q&A: Has anyone chosen not to breast feed and taken the tablet to stop your milk from coming in?
Coughs and Colds in Kids
Children will have an average of six to twelve colds in a 12 month period. Our Pharmacist Tanya explains what to look out for, when to head to the doctor, and why you shouldn’t bother buying cough medicine.
Medication in Pregnancy
Medication in pregnancy needs to be taken only after discussion with a qualified professional. The following is some of the information that can be used to determine if a medication is appropriate in conjunction with chatting to your doctor or pharmacist.
Preventing mastitis
Q&A: Tips to avoid mastitis with my second baby?
Medication Tips: Iron Tablets
If you have low iron, your Doctor may recommend taking iron tablets. These are some of the things you need to be aware of before you start taking them.