Meet Mums in the Sutherland Shire or Sydney
Meeting new mums can be hard. Here are some ideas to meet new mums in the Sutherland Shire and Sydney. Many suggestions will also apply to other states.
I love mother’s group
Contemplating joining a local mother’s group? This article offers five good reasons to take the plunge.
Do’s & Don’ts of an Online Mothers Group
Tips for making the most out of your online mothers group
How not to make friends with other mothers
Making mummy friends – How to make friends with other mothers. 5 tips to help you make a new circle of friends with your children’s parents
Ease up, Judgey McJudgerson. It’s only Mummy Wars if you buy into it.
Wondering how to avoid entering the mummy wars now you have a new bundle of joy? Lou Kenny has some hilarious tips to help you avoid accidentally committing a mummy atrocity.