Private vs public maternity care in Australia
Community tips: Private v’s public to have baby in Australia? Good private obstetrician and your out of pocket expenses please. Just want to see if it is affordable going private.
Doctor recommended caesarean
Q&A: I went to my doctor today for my checkup. I am currently 38 weeks along. He said to me he would recommend a c section as it is a big baby and because I am small with narrow hips it could make a mess of things if I give birth naturally. As this is my first I am very nervous about a c section and normal delivery, getting a nit anxious. Basically I’m just wondering if anyone else’s situation was similar and what they chose to do as I would rather the safest option for myself and my baby.
Membrane sweeps at 40 weeks pregnant
Q&A: I’ll be 40 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my midwife will be doing a membrane sweep when I see her Tuesday. Does anyone have stories to share for, ie if the sweep helped to bring on labour? I know it does depend on the person, just need something to keep me going!!
Placenta praevia
Q&A: I would love some advice on complete placenta previa. I’m 20 weeks and My Dr has just told me that my placenta is centered over my cervix and in her opinion when she sees it like this it doesn’t move. I do go back for a scan at 32 weeks just in the off chance it does move.