Diastasis recti exercises – what you need to know before falling pregnant again
Diastasis recti exercises to do before falling pregnant again to help heal your separated tummy. A test to check your diastasis recti and exercises to avoid
Exercise in pregnancy: GP advice
GP advice on exercise in pregnancy.
Exercising during pregnancy
Plan on exercising during your pregnancy? Here are our top tips on what to include, and what to avoid in your exercise program.
10 tips to find time to exercise
As busy mums we tend to put ourselves last on the needs list and if we already manage to squeeze exercise in it is our workout session that is the first to get pushed to one side if anything else crops up. Lorraine from Pregnancy Exercise has some great tips to help get you moving and stay moving.
How to change your poor posture
If you can change your poor posture it will help reduce aches and pains, prepare you better for pregnancy and help your recovery post baby.
Why Good Posture is important Pre and Post Pregnancy
Lorraine from Pregnancy Exercise explains how to assess your posture and what poor posture can indicate, especially after pregnancy.
Pregnancy classes
Q&A: What activities or groups did you attend in pregnancy and would you recommend them?
Expert tips: Exercise during Pregnancy
How to keep motivated to exercise during pregnancy, and exercise tips for each pregnancy stage.