Tips for relactating
Q&A: I’d like to ask other mums who may have had a similar experience for advice on reestablishing breastfeeding. My son is just 10 weeks old and I am currently trying to reestablish breastfeeding after stopping for a little while.
Relactation – restarting breastfeeding
Q&A: Mums share their breastfeeding experience with relactation with the aim to restart feeding their baby breast milk
Multiple, Pre-term, Adoptive and Surrogate Babies and Relactating
It might surprise you to know that more women can breastfeed than those who are unable to (for whatever reason). We have the ability to produce enough breast milk for one or more babies at one time, adequately provide for a pre-term baby, potentially relactate after weaning and potentially induce lactation as an adoptive or surrogate mother.
Ria’s Breastfeeding Story
Ria shares her amazing breastfeeding story – infection, mastitis, abscess, and her son is only five months old!