I would like to hear other people’s experiences with relactation. I quit breastfeeding 2 weeks ago. I still have a supply although it’s very low. Have any mothers been able to successfully re-establish a supply so they can continue Breast feeding? If so how did you do it?
Put bub in boob as often as possible and pump pump pump! Its all about supply and demand! – Jessica
Give the ABA hotline a buzz and they’ll be able to give you the info you need to reestablish supply – Carly
Lactation cookies, donperidon tablets ( not sure if spelt correctly) I also seen my local health food store who can recommend herbs to increase supply, google it, I nearly lost my supply due to being put in hospital without bubs, I’m now 100% bf, it’s taken 4 weeks to get him of the formula.. Good luck – Ashley
Ive got a low supply and was prescribed domperidone. Take that, lots of nursing n express after feeds too n ur supply should be sweet in no time – Jade
If you haven’t already buy an electronic breast pump Avent Isis IQ is good for it’s automatic function but Cherub Natripump has better suction but you have to press a button regularly to release suction or it gets painful – Heather
How about you try expressing after a feed, always helps me get a good supply back – Ikelly
Fenugeek Its herbal – Geena
Mine was low due to trauma. I had one script of Motilium and it was good again – Kellie
Fennel tea might help. And you can just buy it at the supermarket – Sophie
I’ve heard good things about Pinky McKay Boobie Bickies for building supply. The website list stockists, but if not you can order online – Emma
When my twins were 2 weeks old I had to stop bf as I got dermatitis following csection and had to get it under control and needed meds/steroid creams so I had to switch them to formula and was just pumping once or twice a day for about 2 1/2 weeks and throwing away, I didnt really think about how important it was to pump more, but I was able to start straight back feeding again and had no problem with supply – Karen
Just offer breast before bottle… it will work. Bubs doesnt forget.. slowly you will get the supply back up – Rosemary
A routine of 3 hourly feeds would bring supply up but feed for quite a while 30-60 minutes. Make sure bubs is hungry then they’ll take more as if you demand feed then they are only taking small amounts (snacking) –Geaya
Did you successfully re-establish breastfeeding after having stopped? Share your experience