
Baby Hints & Tips

Baby Communication – What are they saying?

Baby communication – What are they trying to tell you?

If only your baby came with a dictionary! But it doesn’t, and a large part of the early months (and years) is spent trying to work out what your baby is saying.

baby communicationYour baby will coo, laugh and babble. These are the times that will melt your heart and you can encourage more of them by

Encourage baby to communicate with baby

  • Talking back: have a real conversation with pauses to allow your baby to respond
  • Imitating: show that you’re listening
  • Using lots of eye contact and animated facial expressions: your face is the favourite thing for your baby to look at
  • Having a physical connection: studies have shown that more of your loving message gets through if you are touching your baby

Of course, your baby will also cry. It can be tough, but you must remember that it is just another form of communication. Your baby may cry for physical reasons (eg. hungry, tired, uncomfortable) or emotional reasons (eg. bored, stressed, needs to unwind after a big day).

Tips for when your baby is crying and you don’t know why:

  1. Relax. This is very difficult as our natural reaction is often to tense up as we frantically try to stop our baby from crying.
  2. Clear your thoughts so you can really listen to your baby.
  3. Keep connected. Touch or hold your baby, and if possible make eye-to-eye contact.

These tips let your baby know that you are there for them and listening. They can safely say what they need to say, and then they are ready to be comforted by you.

Look out also for non-verbal cues, like facial expressions and body language. Each baby’s cues are different. Time spent with your baby, especially through the focussed interaction and physical connection you share during an activity like baby massage, helps you learn your baby’s beautiful and unique language.

Reasons baby may be crying

Are you wondering “why is my baby crying”?  Here are some of the reasons to consider:

  • Wet nappy
  • Hunger
  • Over tired
  • Pain – if you think your baby is in pain it is best to talk to your doctor.
  • Gas, have you burped your baby after their feed?
  • Needs a cuddle – if you have things to do, pop baby in a baby carrier and this will often settle many of the above concerns
  • Teething pain

Baby Harmony is a member of the Post and Antenatal Depression Association (PANDA). To see all their articles, click here.


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