Language Development Milestones in the First Five Years
Many parents wonder if children’s language and listening skills are developing normally. While individual children develop their talking and listening skills at different rates, our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, reveals that there is a general pattern to children’s language development.
Speech Pathologist: Baby Communication Milestones
Speech Pathologist: Baby communication milestones. Development of milestones such as smiles, gazing, crying, laughing and smiling, discriminating sounds
Baby Communication – What are they saying?
If only your baby came with a dictionary! But it doesn’t, and a large part of the early months (and years) is spent trying to work out what your baby is saying.
Empathy: Growing Children Who Care
Ever wondered how you can foster caring in your child? Your behaviour is likely to have an impact.
Tips for managing your infants biting
Q&A: What is everyone’s experience with biting? My 10 month old has bitten me twice now when he’s really over excited jumping around and bites my shoulder…not sure if he will even understand if I say “no”…?
Learning to read cursing before learning to write cursive
What do you do when your little one learns to read and starts asking about all those words you’d rather they didn’t know existed?
Elimination Communication Advice
Has anyone tried elimination communication with your baby? Did it work and was it worth it?’
Does your child shout too much?
Wish your child would learn to use their inside voice? Early childhood educator Jan Jones has some great tips for you.
Helping your baby to talk
Every baby learns to talk by listening to people talk, by playing with sounds and words, and by talking to others. Our early childhood expert, Jan Jones, describes how babies first learn to recognise sounds, and then create them based on these foundations.
Helping baby communicate
Babies might not be able to talk, but they definitely know how to let us know how they are feeling! Jan Jones explores how children communicate and provides tips on how to encourage their communication skills and reasons why things might not be progressing as well as they should.
Postnatal Depression and Baby Massage
The impact of postnatal depression on mothers is becoming more well-known, but did you know that postnatal depression also affects babies?