
Baby Hints & Tips

Best Stroller for Planes and Airports

pram at airportWhat brand of pushchair/stroller is best for planes and airports?

  • Having flown many many times with my babies it makes no difference what so every which pram you take as the airlines accept them all. They don’t go on board the aircraft with you they go in the hold with the suitcases. Many airports will allow you to take the pram as far as the gate then you give the pram to the staff at the gate they tag it and send it down to the hold. My one tip is take a baby bijorn or something similar as when they take pram away from me I strap baby onto me and it makes it so much easier when boarding and getting of the plane and waiting at the baggage carousel. I have taken the following prams with me on flights from domestic to long haul. The twin mountain buggy, stridder with the second seat attached aswell as a small stroller. Hope this helps. My babies have another 6 flights booked before the end of the year they love flying. My one big tip with the pram is ask them to put it in a plastic bag, they don’t always offer this so if they don’t ask and push for it they have these massive bags. The reason being is if it’s raining the pram will get soaked when it comes off with the luggage this has happened to me a few times! Claire
  • Currently traveling now, my advice would be to consider what you will be doing while at your destination. E.g. Getting around by cab etc. and whether or not of will fit in boot with your luggage etc. also would advice you use one that you’re happy to be thrown around as they aren’t very gentle with them. We are using a steelcraft profiler at the moment in Sri Lanka. We had stopovers in Singapore between here and Sydney Jess
  • Definitely babyzen yoyo. Comes with its own travel bag and carry strap. Folds / unfolds one handed (you tube it!) And is a great little pram long after your holiday. Fits in overhead luggage on plan and behind the drivers seat in a car. Nicole
  • Babyzen Yoyo – it folds small enough to go as hand luggage on the plane, you can push baby off plane in a stroller, it’s fantastic! Dani
  • I have bought a Mountain Buggy Nano for traveling. It weighs less than 6kg and when folded and in it’s bag it meets the aircraft carry on measurements. I haven’t actually flown with it yet though, but have used it for car travel and it’s great so far Liana
  • We recently went on a trip to Perth from Sydney. We ended up hiring a pram and car capsule from a company called ‘Hire for Baby’ and they were great! It was all installed and in the boot of the hire car when we arrived! Saved and potential damage to our equipment…. Would highly recommend! Alayna
  • None, babywear!! A carrier is so much easier to navigate!! A buckle carrier such as an ergo, tula or manduca are very quick and easy! Or a ring sling Natasha
  • Mountain buggy Nano is wonderful! Folds small enough to fit in the overhead locker so no waiting around to get it at the gate. Caroline
  • whatever you do.., DO NOT buy the Quicksmart easy fold stroller.., it has broken on me 3 time in a period of 6 months… And I barely used it!! Keila
  • Baby carrier is much easier, im taking my third flight with my 4 month old this week and will have my trusty carrier and backpack handy (-: Allie
  • Most airports have strollers you can use to the gate. We hired ours when in destination. Charlotte
  • I use and swear by a MCLaren, light weight easy to fold Ellen
  • Mountain buggy nano is fabulous to travel with! Rebekah
  • Joie Mirus is great for travel Eleni
  • I just bought the mountain buggy nano and it is made for traveling. It folds up so small you can actually take it on the plane as carry on – no having to hold the baby while waiting at the carousel for your luggage! It also only weighs 5kgs and has a strap so you can carry it just like a bag. Very smooth and easy to control/steer with one hand. Megan
  • We’re currently on a 7 month overseas trip with 11mo bubs and a 3 year old. We just took our pram we use at home (stoke xplory 2 pieces). Every plane we went on was ok with using pram up to boarding and then they put it either in the plane or luggage hold. A lightweight folding stroller wouldn’t be a bad idea but I didn’t want to buy a new stroller just for holidays. Also took the carrier for using when getting on and off plane. It is probably most useful to think about the sort of pram you will find most useful at your destination as the airlines don’t seem to mind what sort of pram you bring Megan
  • We just use our ergo carrier when we went overseas. It was far easier then our friends who used their stroller. Millissa
  • I have a steel craft holiday light wight stroller , I found that it was pretty good to cart around airports. Kate
  • Babyzen yoyo – you can take onboard Bianca
  • A baby carrier for the airport and a hire pram when you get there. We just got one delivered to our hire car company and it was waiting in the boot of the car. Helen
  • I just got a Combi Urban Walker, I imagine it would be great for traveling as it only weighs 6.5kg and can fold with one hand Miki
  • I bought a quick smart easy fold stroller for travel. Comes in a carry bag, easy to use and you can take it as a carry on. Hayleigh
  • Baby Zen Yo Yo. You can take it on the plane! It’s a great pram! Kristin

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