
Baby Hints & Tips

Colds in Babies

Tis the season to get a cold. Tra la la la, la da di da. What are your tips for helping babies with a cold?

Medical disclaimer: Tips provided need to be considered in conjunction with medical advice. For immediate concerns, please contact HealthDirect (Australia wide) ph 1800 022 222 – to talk to a registered nurse 24hrs a day, and in emergencies call 000.

There are no magic treatments which will get rid of colds in babies but there are things you can do to help relieve the symptoms.  Remember that antibiotics wont help with a viral infection and asking a doctor for them is not a good idea.  Keep your baby well hydrated and see a doctor if you are worried.  Here are some great tips from other parents

See some expert tips on cough and cold management in kids

  • Vaporiser. Eukyrub on chest and feet with socks over top. Nasal sucker.  Stacey
  • Trying everything and my poor little man cant breath.  Kylie
  • Fess little noses saline spray, a squirt of breast milk up the nose if you can, vaporizer in the room. If bubs is really blocked and has difficulty feeding I don’t that if I put a few drops of eucy in the bath and run the hot tap and sit in the steamy bathroom for 5-10 minutes before feeding it really helps. My dr doesn’t recommend using an aspirator (yes I too call it the snot sucker lol)  Jacqui
  • Baby vicks on feet with socks on, keep rugged up, keep fluids up if you can (I use hydralite), and the best tip I’ve found that worked for my dd is if they have a runny nose strap em into their pram tilted upright and cover with warm blankets, infront of the telly or rock to sleep.. My lo can’t sleep lying down if she has a runny nose n just works herself up oh and a warm bath twice a day to let the steam clear out n panadol. She’s only been sick twice in 17mo n this all has gotten her better pretty quick!!  Chantelle
  • Vicks on the feet with socks! And a snot sucker not the actual name but that’s what we called it.  Jade
  • We have a nasal vacuum – it’s BRILLIANT!  Kylie
  • I use old singlets and put the vicks on that instead of on her skin. baths help to get the crusted snot of her face to make her more comfortable.  Naomi
  • Fes nasal spray, with snot sucker! Eukyrub on chest and feet with socks and singlet and rugged up warm, Panadol if needed for temp, my 4 week old is just getting over bronchiolitis poor little miss, she is on the mend now, but still chesty, that with nappy rash, not a good mix.  Kate
  • Slightly elevated cot head, vaporiser, vicks, boogie sucker and fess spray. Totally sucks to have sick little ones.  Megan
  • Vicks vaporizer!! working a treat for bubs n mum.  Brooke
  • Snot sucker here too! Plus Eukyrun on front and back chest and feet, and raise the end of the cot/bassinet an inch or two. We did it just by taking out the castor wheels on the other end.  Bronwyn
  • Plenty of eucyrub chest back and feet with socks fess little noses and panadol and nurofen on hand.  Kristy
  • Baby vicks on the feet and socks!  Bianca
  • I have discovered Sudafed plugins, they’re awesome – it’s just eucalyptus etc, nothing unsafe for a littlie.  Alison
  • Lol, we call it a snot sucker too Jade.  Melissa
  • Vaporiser in bubs room, fess nasal spray & lots of fluids, rest & cuddles.  Gabrielle
  • Dont go outside haha vaporizers are great.  Kristy
  • Take bub in the shower with you and don’t turn the exhaust fan on so the bathroom gets nice and steamy to help clear their noses. We also use baby Vicks, fess little noses and the snot sucker my MIL has a vaporizer which we used when visiting and it really helped too.  Kylie
  • I use to use eucalyptus drops on top corner of pillow, that way the smell lasts all night.  Toni
  • Vicks vaporiser in bubs room makes the world of difference… saline drops for nose, snot sucker, tilt mattress and baby Vicks rub and medi spray x  Laura
  • We where advised to not put baby vicks chest rub directly on to skin as my baby boy is only 10 weeks when he needs to be 3 months to have it on skin.  Brooke
  • Breast milk squirted up the nose to unblock it and warm baths with myself so she can nurse while in a warm bath.  Apreinia

What helps relieve the symptoms when your baby has a cold?

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