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How long after miscarriage did you get pregnant?

How long after miscarriage did you get pregnant?Just wondering how long after miscarriage did you get pregnant?

  • 5 months Suzie
  • My 1st after my first cycle right away. With my second about 2 cycles. I now have a beautiful healthy 9 month old Rachel
  • Doc told me to wait 6 months. Got pregnant on my 2nd cycle after that Lauren
  • 5 weeks Sharon
  • With my first miscarriage it took 3 months (next pregnancy was twin boys) my second took a little longer at 9 months after the loss (I was scared to try again) I now have a very healthy 10 month old little girl, all the best Jannette
  • 3 weeks after my first miscarriage. 13 months after my second. It’s different for every one though Jess
  • Was told to wait 3months but fell preg 1st time after & have a very healthy 18month old Tracey
  • 1 cycle Dawn
  • Just under 3 months Lisa
  • for me it took 8 months but we were ‘trying without trying’ Sarah
  • After my first miscarriage it took two cycles to fall pregnant again but I waited until after the first cycle to try. Unfortunately I lost that one too. I then fell pregnant again after waiting one cycle and now my very healthy and happy little girl is 3 weeks away from turning one Lucy
  • 9 months for me Kelly
  • My miscarriage was at 9 weeks and we fell pregnant 5weeks later Chantelle
  • everyone is different,it can happen straight away or it may take a few months Janice
  • I fell pregnant within 3 months, 2 times. Both beautiful girls. Good luck x Natalie
  • 9 months for me. I felt like my life was over when I miscarried and I think when I was in the right head space (Ie not breaking down when friends told me they were pregnant) it happened. I’m now 21 weeks with a very active and healthy cheeky little boy, who we can’t wait to meet Linda
  • 7months, sorry about the miscarriage and good luck Sharon
  • On the 2nd cycle Melissa
  • Just over 12 months for me but I had a very nasty miscarriage where my GP tried to let “nature take its course” and it lasted 12 weeks before he thought I had better have a D&C. Has the D&C in the April 2011 was pregnant in the June 2012. Everyone is different though Christie
  • Straight after my next cycle Shannon
  • 6 weeks, without a cycle in between. After miscarriage at 15 weeks i am now 30 weeks pregnant waiting for the arrival of our little Princess to meet her little brother Jess
  • Took us pretty much exactly a year. Everybody is different thou Tegan
  • The next cycle conceived Tianna
  • I had a miscarriage over Christmas. My first period was in February and I fell pregnant again in April. My beautiful baby boy turned 1 in January Megan
  • After 1st miscarriage we waited 6 months, then after 2 months of trying, got pregnant again. Also miscarried that one then waited a year. And got pregnant the first month of trying!! (she’s now 18 months! Our 2nd bub) Angela
  • 2 or 3 cycles. Could try taking vitex and vit b6 or researching it, may have been coincidence but first cycle taking it I fell pregnant and had my beautiful baby boy just last week perfectly healthy Kimberley
  • After first mc fell preg the following cycle then mc again. Waited 3 cycles then fell preg after 3 cycles. Now 22 weeks Rachael
  • 8 months Kristy
  • I had a miscarriage at 8weeks 2 days and the doc said to wait around 12 months for my body to adapt as it didn’t pass through so had op.. I now have perfectly healthy 4 month old who I fell pregnant with 4 months after Carly
  • 5 weeks after having a miscarriage with no monthly I went to the doctor for a check up & I was already pregnant with 3rd living child, 4th pregnancy Hellz
  • I took 1 month following my miscarriage but I think I got lucky I’m now 25weeks with our little bubba Marney
  • Miscarried twice, one after the other and waited two cycles and fell pregnant with my daughter Colleen
  • lost my 3rd baby in November at 9 weeks along fell again end of januray early February and ended up have my handsome mummy boy in the end of October Kirsty
  • It took me about 2 years to fall pregnant again after I miscarried. Ebony

If you experienced miscarriage, how long was it for you? 

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