My son is 13 weeks old and EBF. He keeps getting thrush in his mouth and then I get it on my nipples which is extremely painful. Does anyone have any tips for getting rid of it and stopping it from coming back? I am currently seeing my doctor and also taking antibiotics for this so not looking for advice on medications but more other tips or home remedies that people have used that worked.
Medical disclaimer: Tips provided need to be considered in conjunction with medical advice. For immediate concerns, please contact HealthDirect (Australia wide) ph 1800 022 222 – to talk to a registered nurse 24hrs a day, and in emergencies call 000.
- Antibiotics can often lead to thrush as they kill both good and bad bacteria leaving other germs more able to take over.. (thrush is a fungal illness not a bacterial or viral one) Perhaps seek a second medical opinion as it may be that you require antifungal treatment rather than antibiotics to treat this medically. I would also look at probiotics and yoghurt to help the good bacteria to take over again. AmandaSounds like you may be caught in a vicious cycle as the antibiotics lead to thrust. So here are some suggestions (which you may already know) that I used when I had nipple and ductal thrust. * Get some cansten laundry wash, wash everything with it. EVERYTHING towels, sheets clothes. Until you have washed everything once, then I just used it on my bras and breastfeeding tops. * throw out any open tubes of nipple creams as they will be colonized with thrust. Get new ones and only start them after your first wash with the cansten. * get a jumbo pack of disposable breast pads. Change them every feed regardless of leakage or not. * start taking a probiotic immediately it will help! * get some sun on your nipples. I used to hang sheets on my hillshoist and Sun myself for 5 minutes. * if you can get someone to help you have a good sleep or nap through the night. Easier said then done I know. A rundown body can’t fight for itself. * go topless as often as possible to get the air on them. Moisture breeds thrush. Good luck, I feel your pain. I had thrush and breast pain for 9 weeks. My boy is now 12wks and it’s finally isn’t painful to feed him. Regan
- take a pro biotic, eat plenty of un sweetened yoghurt Riannan
- Inner health plus for both yourself and bub. Bubs comes in a powder. Emma
- I had a probiotic drink ‘yakult’ each day and a little bit goes Through breast milk to help bubba too.. Shirree
- I used Virgin coconut oil on nipples which helped, natural and doesn’t have to be washed off for feeding. Lauren
- Have you tried coconut oil? Have a look online – various articles Nikki
- See a GP lactation consultant, they’ll probably put you on a yeast free diet (this would mean no bread, grapes, melons, and many other things). Good luck! Bec
- I used coconut oil. I just put some on my nipples before and after a feed. The oil is safe for baby and will help clear them up as well. Obviously do this in conjunction with washing everything in super hot water and constantly changing breast pads etc. Heidi
- Grapefruit extract on nipple & babies mouth. Tea tree oil during nappy change. Wash yours & babies in clothes in hot water with vinegar. Wash hands before & after feeding. Google up how to use these remedies correctly & for other tips. Also can be carried from older children in the house Franki
- Put white vinegar in your wash. Then make sure they are in the sunlight to dry. It will help kill the germs. And make sure you change breast pads and tops regularly. Laura
- Agreed as others antibotics will be causing the thrush when I had it I used a oral cream on my nipples for the full course 2-3wks & cut out sugar, limited my fruit, not caffeine or bread as they all stimulate thrush & ate wholesome foods ESP yoghurt Michaela
- Coconut oil, rub it on ur nipples also swallow a teaspoon urself! Works a treat! Kasie
- I was told washing your bars in hot water with vinegar and also changing breast pads several times a day to help keep the thrush at bay Chantelle
What are your best tips for preventing thrush in babies, reply in comments below
Read about a mum’s journey with nipple thrush