
Baby Hints & Tips

Stain removal tips for kid’s clothes

stain removal tips for kids clothesWhat are your best stain removal tips for kid’s clothes? Chemical free or if you use a product. Also what particular stains have you had to struggle to get out and what worked.

Natural stain removal products

  • Best stain removal tips that I have to get rid of stains, like pumpkin or red sauce off my son’s bibs: hang to dry in direct sunlight, the sun bleaches the stains out naturally.  Hollie
  •  Vinegar and bicarb soda.  Skye
  •  Lemon juice or the Sard soap stick both work very well.  Amy-Rose
  •  Rachel: try mixing a paste of white vinegar and bicarbonate and leaving in there for about an hour. Make sure it is soaked on it. Chuck it in the next wash, dry in sunlight.

Removing stains from kids white clothes

  •  Always bleach whites… Napisan soak for everything else but a trick I learnt many years ago with dye run… Completely submerse the clothing with unwanted dye into full cream milk in a bowl… Cover with glad wrap and leave at room temp for a few days (until the milk goes off completely) then rinse clothing under warm water to get any milk out and put through machine wash 3 or 4 times until smell is gone… All run dye will be completely gone without ruining the already colours if the clothing it sounds a bit Yuk but works!Jas
  • My son’s white love to dream swaddle is all stained yellow at the top where his hands go because he sucks them all the time any tips for getting the stains out have soaked in napisan over night and washed in the napisan whites liquid with no luck don’t want to use bleach.Rachel
  • If it white lemon juice and sunlight. Anything else take them to mum like I do lol.   Jo
  • Sunlight soap is brilliant! Only thing I found that got the newborn poop stains out and works on majority of other stains too.  Kyleigh
  • If you’ve got a stain on white clothing, cover it with some Domestos until it disappears then wash normally. It works!Doone
  • I was surprised to find my dd white and pink bodysuit and a white and pink towel had been sitting with something wet while we went away one weekend and it had gone badly mouldy-turning a red colour. I left them soaking in bleach and water for about 4 days and there’s no trace of mould on either AND the colours didn’t fade at all.  Mandy

Napisan for removing stains from kid’s clothes

  •  I soak in Napisan for sometimes a week just stirring occasionally and have gotten stains out of clothing people have given me that said they won’t come out. I also use the spray on poosplosions and any other stains and most come out first time. If they don’t, do what I said first.  Aleisha
  •  Soaking in napisan or similar for like 3 days. Milo stains like a bitch and days of soaking managed to get it out. I was quite impressed. Also agree with sunlight too.  Melanie
  • Soak in Napisan (follow the directions) and hang in SUN!  Sun is the KEY…Tanya
  • Most of the time just Bizet liquid and a little Napisan or Sard powder in the wash, if really stubborn then a bucket of Napisan and soak over night or even a couple of days.   Kirsty
  • I just use Napisan.   Marybeth
  • Pink Napisan if that doesn’t work nothing will.   Kim
  • A little Napisan in each wash and lots of sun!    Rebecca
  • I soak everything in Napisan as soon as I take it off my girls and I use liquid dynamo and put Napisan in every wash and I haven’t had a problem with stains.   Jessica

Getting oil stains out of kids clothes

  •  Great way to get oil out of clothes is to take dry garment and put a thick layer of baby powder on it, roll it up and leave for a week. Shake it out, wash and it will all be gone. Works for old oil stains too…  Beth
  • If it is something like tomato or poo wash as usual and leave on line for 24 hours, the sun/moon will take it out but not the oil from something like pasta sauce which will need extra Napisan or whatever, Solvol soap will take out grass stains.Wendy
  • I usually have a bucket with Napisan ready for the messy stains…The trick is not letting the mess go dry. For oily stains, I use eucalyptus oil straight from the bottle. Good luck!   Rhonda

Poo stain removal from kid’s clothes

  •  I have become an expert stain remover since cleaning explosive newborn poos. Sard wonder soap bar is a necessity!!! Rinse clothing in cold water then work the soap bar into the clothing then rub. For stubborn stays I also use a small nail scrubbing brush. Just be cautious using the brush with delicate items. Let clothes sit for an hour then wash in machine, adding some stain remover detergent as well such as Napisan.   Lisa

Banana stain removal

  •  Tea tree oil got banana stains out for us! Good for other stain too!

Removing mould

  •  Clove oil is supposed to be good for mould.   Tracey

Other stain removal ideas

  •  Hairspray I use it in everything my daughter drew on the walls hairspray carpet stain hairspray, food stains hairspray it works!!!!   Alex
  •  The Aldi spray stain remover and oxy soak are awesome. Gets everything out!   Karen
  • Wd40.   Steph
  • Do you just soak the cloths in hot water and vinegar?  Kasey
  • Vinegar and hot water for mould. Kills the mould spores! I use Napisan, sard spray, swear by colour catcher sheets and I think it’s dyson brand colour run remover.  Elessa
  • Dish washing liquid like morning fresh. I use it all the time.  Tiffany
  • Make a thick paste out of washing powder, wipe onto stain, leave overnight to soak in and wash as normal.  Georgina
  • Sunlight definitely.   Sarah
  • Exit soap is great!   Emma
  • Stain remover spray, soak in “Napisan” stain remover add Napisan to the wash.   Jodie
  • Sard spray, cold wash and sunshine.   Sandra
  • Best thing for tomato stains is sunshine!    Melissa
  • I love Norwex laundry powder; It gets out almost everything with only a teaspoon of powder for the whole load! There is also an enzyme based carpet stain spray specifically designed for protein stains (food, mud, poo etc). I give any nasty stains a quick spray with it then throw it in the wash. Comes up a treat.  Amanda
  • Sunlight soap!! Rub it on with water to a lather then put in the wash as normal. Hang in the sun to dry. Works on lots of stains- oil, dirt, juice, spag bol & poo!   Lizzie
  • Hot water sets the stain. Never soak or apply hot water to a stain.   Sophie
  • Drive! Best washing powder for soaking and as a paste on stains. 1000x better than napisan. Also just a cake of soap or sard cake of soap not the spray the actual soap rubbed on the stain. Never had a stain I can’t get out. Don’t use hot water.   Sophie
  • Dishwashing liquid, scrub a bit nad let soak.   Alison
  • Coles brand soaker, Sard eucalyptus stain remover spray. Soak and scrub before washing. Spray again with the Sard. If particularly stubborn use straight eucalyptus oil.   Courteney
  • If it’s a stain on something white, lemon juice on the stain, then in the sun..   Sarah
  • I use Eucalyptus oil for most things… Great as a pre wash spray or soak for tough stains. Or dab on direct from bottle for spot stains!!   Taryn
  • I use Coles brand everyday soaker. I wash everything in it if it’s really bad make a paste wet the cloths put the paste on the stain for 30-60min then wash with bit extra soaker.   Rebecca
  • I use cheap washing liquid from the warehouse plus Coles brand nappy San! Out whites and colours couldn’t be brighter and we use old school cloth nappies and never have a problem getting the marks out of them!   Amy
  • Sard soap and sun.   Tenille
  • I use Dynamo with Sard Oxyaction and I use cold water, nothing ever stains…. except on rare occasions when I don’t get it into the wash on time then I tend to use the Napisan oxy action to soak it overnight, or the preen spray with ard Oxyaction LOL.  Or if you want a cheap solution just put half a cap of Bicarb in every wash it does the same thing.    Amanda
  • There’s stuff called Rubzoff can be hard to find but is great for protein stains and oils. Husband is a chef and this stuff is the only thing that gets stains out of his white chefs jacket. Google it!   Rachael
  • I use imperial leather soap it works.  Gerry
  • We wash with Biozet, add a cap of sard powder to each wash plus spray stains with Sard and sun dry with as much as possible. It gets 90% removed.   Fiona

 Do you have any kids clothes stain removal tips? Please share

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