Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!
Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.
Should I masturbate during childbirth?
‘Would you masturbate during childbirth?’ isn’t something that is commonly asked or considered as a way to manage the pain of delivery, but are there merits to using self stimulation …
Pregnant, Now What? How To Prepare For Birth!
Tips for preparing for birth, from choosing a hospital to be mentally ready.
Going with the flow – tips for pregnancy and childbirth
For one mumma, going with the flow meant shrugging off mean comments about her size during pregnancy and appreciating that a natural birth isn’t always possible.
Bikini line challenges
When you get no warning you are about to have a baby, what do you think about? For Lou it was her bikini line that was lets just say a little overgrown.
Frozen meal ideas for new mums
Frozen meal ideas for new mums. Otherwise known as dump bags. Our mums share lots of ideas for meals that are ideal to freeze for when mum comes home.
Prepare for a c section
Prepare for a c section. Mums share their best tips on how to get ready for a c section. Eg high waisted undies, taking it easy, taking your pain control…
Pregnancy yoga – the benefits
Natalie Hudson explains how doing yoga regularly during pregnancy is a wonderful and beneficial way to manage your pregnancy, and prepare for birth and motherhood.
Hospital bag
Q&A: Hospital bag check list – for mum, partner and baby! What did you pack? What couldn’t you have lived without?