
Tag: Midwife/Doula

Preparing for labour

Preparing for Labour: 9 Things to Consider Now!

Labour is a very daunting and life changing event. Samantha Birch discusses a wide range of things that you will need to consider before the contractions start.

Pregnant, Now What? How To Prepare For Birth!

Tips for preparing for birth, from choosing a hospital to be mentally ready.

Oral Thrush in Babies

Oral Thrush In Babies – causes of thrush, how lunch feels and how to treat thrush in babies. This can also lead to nipple thrush in breastfeeding mums

Mastitis: Midwife Shares Her Tips

Mastitis – Tips from a midwife.

uterine prolapse - prolapse of the uterus

Uterine Prolapse

Uterine Prolaspse – Our resident midwife explains what is a prolapsed uterus, the signs and symptoms of a uterus prolapse and how a prolapse is treated

Weight Gain in Pregnancy – Midwife Tips

Malia, our resident midwife, explains about weight gain in pregnancy. How much of your pregnancy belly is baby, the placenta amniotic fluid etc, when to seek help about your weight gain, how much weight gain in pregnancy is too much and when to keep an eye on your pregnancy weight gain.

Expressing, Storing & Managing Breast Milk

Midwife Tips: Expressing and storing breastmilk. Pump regularly or need to get organised for a special occasion, here are the best tips to get started.

Delayed Cord Clamping – Midwife explains

Midwife Tips: Midwife, Michelle, explains what delayed cord clamping is and information on should you use delayed cord clamping with your children

pubic hair and birth

Pubic Hair and Labour

Expert Tips: Midwife advice on managing pubic hair and labour. All your questions answered on if you need a brazillian for your bikini line before the birth

birth plans

Are birth plans worth the paper they are written on?

Expert Tips: Midwife shares the value of a birth plan and what should be included in yours in preparation of your labour

Baby measuring ahead at Pre-Natal visits

Parents Tips: Im 24+4 with bub no 3 but measuring at 26cm. Has anyone else experienced this?

Pre Labour Premature Rupture of Membranes PROM

Midwife Tips: Pre Labour/Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM)

The moment your waters break is usually a signal for women that they will get to meet their baby soon. But sometimes baby doesn’t come straight away or it happens before full term. Our midwife, Caroline May, explains what PROM and PPROM are, and what you can expect if you experience it.

breech natural birth

Does a breech birth mean a caesarean? Midwife tips

Finding out your baby is in a breech position can be frightening and, for some women, disappointing as it means they have to have a caesarean delivery – or do they? Midwife Caroline May explains why many breech babies are delivered by caesar and whether vaginal delivery can remain as one of your options.

turning a breech baby

Midwife Tips: Breech babies

Babies are meant to turn themselves head down in the latter part of a pregnancy, but not all do with approximately 4-5% staying upright. Midwife Caroline May discusses some of the options available for mums to encourage their breech bub to turn.

Postpartum Doulas – What do they do?

Have you ever heard of a postpartum Doula? Samantha Birch explains exactly what they do and how they could benefit you.

What can a Doula do at Your Birth?

What is a doula and why do you want one?

membrane sweeps

Membrane sweeps at 40 weeks pregnant

Q&A: I’ll be 40 weeks pregnant on Thursday and my midwife will be doing a membrane sweep when I see her Tuesday. Does anyone have stories to share for, ie if the sweep helped to bring on labour? I know it does depend on the person, just need something to keep me going!!

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

Midwife Tips: Bringing on Labour At Home

One of the most common questions asked on the Baby Hints and Tips Facebook page concerns how to bring on labour, and advice given usually ranges from sex and nipple stimulation to bouncing on a fit ball, castor oil and hot curries. The question is however, is there any evidence that any of these things actually work?

home birth expert tips

Home birth – midwife tips

Home birth has always been a contentious issue in Australia, largely fuelled by the media and the medical profession. The biggest fears surrounding home birth usually boil down to one question, is it safe?


Expert Tips – Hypnobirthing

Many people hear the term HypnoBirthing and because they relate hypnosis to the most common form people see – Stage Hypnosis – they don’t really understand what it is or how it could possible help with having a baby.  What follows is a brief explanation of what HypnoBirthing is, how it can help woman wanting a natural, drug-free and intervention-free birth, what is involved in attending a class and how and when is best to do so.

Medically inducing labour - midwife tips

Medically inducing labour – midwife tips

There are many questions related to induction of labour but for this issue I will concentrate on medical ways of inducing.

midwife tips co sleeping with baby

Midwife Tips: Co-Sleeping

An introduction to co-sleeping, and why it isn’t necessarily ‘bed sharing’.

choosing where to give birth - tips from a midwife

Midwife Tips: Choosing where to give Birth

When it comes to choosing where to birth your baby there are many things to think about and it can be quite overwhelming, but choosing the right place for you can have an enormous impact on your pregnancy, birthing and post partum experience and it is not quite as simple as public vs private.

Breastfeeding tips

Breastfeeding is natural so it should be easy right? For some women it does come very naturally but for the majority it is a skill that needs to be learned. Not so much by the baby as it is instinctive to them, but by the mother.

midwife tips for preparing for labour

Preparing for labour

Midwife Caroline May shares her top five tips for not only surviving, but getting the most out of your labour experience (for you and bub).