
Tag: Positive pregnancy test

How long after you had sex did you get a positive HPT?

Q&A: How long after you had sex did you get a positive HPT? When was this related to when your period was due?

positive pregnancy test

What to do now I have a positive HPT

Q&A: I have just found out today that I am pregnant. (First time) and i am just wondering what happens now?? Ive booked a doctor’s appointment is that all I need to do at this stage???

how early can you take a pregnancy test

How early was your positive pregnancy test?

Q&A: How soon before missed period have you found out if you’re pregnant? My fiancé and I had sex on Christmas night, and I’m due for my period early Jan, we aren’t trying to get pregnant, just doing my head waiting. The six days before missed period will be Monday… But wondering if tonight/tomorrow is too soon? Thanks!

positive pregnancy test

Is a faint positive pregnancy test still positive?

Q&A: Hello, for all of you who got a ‘faint line’ on a hpt, how faint was ‘faint’ and did your faint positive pregnancy test stay positive?