Did anyone have severe anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy? If so, did you have the same experience with your next pregnancies?
- You poor thing. It is really important to talk to someone as it can be so easily helped. If you are going through the public system most hospitals have a Perinatal Mental Health section (don’t be put off by the name) they will have drs and psychologists who can help you, or you can ask your GP to refer you to someone who deals with pregnancy /post pregnancy related anxiety. It really is possible to help if not fix if you get help! Good luck x Catherine
- I had severe anxiety with my first pregnancy (I have general anxiety all the time anyway). I havent had a second pregnancy yet but have done a lot of thinking as I also dont want to go through it all again! I believe that at least the 2nd time around you know what to expect and how your body will react to symptoms (eg morning sickness, hot flushes etc) so its not as scary. Seeing a psychologist through my first pregnancy really helped so I’m thinking I will need to do that again next time. I hope it all goes well for you! Cristie
- ps I did and was lucky in pregnancy number 1 to be referred to the Mercy Hospital (Public Melbourne) team and saw a great doctor who I continued to see through all three pregnancies and I have never felt better. Catherine
- I had severe anxiety with depression with my first. Had counselling and medication. I stayed on medication through my second pregnancy, and it was such a nicer experience. I had my anxious moments but was able to think more rationally and talk myself out of anxiety. I’ll always be an anxious person though Thalia
- I had quite bad anxiety during my first pregnancy and after my baby was born. 2nd time around I went to see a councillor during the pregnancy because I didn’t want my anxiety to rule my life, taking up time and energy for my family and children. I learnt techniques for dealing with the anxiety, including identifying triggers and breathing exercises. Best thing I ever did!! Some workplaces offer cooperate counselling services that employees (and sometimes immediate family) can access for free or for reduced rates. Emma
- I didn’t with my first be my second i suffered very bad anxiety and depression for 16weeks once i talked to someone about it i realized what I was feeling was normal i felt so much better im now 20 weeks and have really started to enjoy my pregnancy i hope this helps xxxx Jessica
- I had terrible anxiety woth my forst pregnancy. I had delusions about how people were thinking/looking at me. I had none of that with my two following pregnancies Cassandra
- Oddly enough, I had non til my forth! Starting late in second trimester for seemly no reason at at, it then hit hard at around 28 weeks. I have had no professional help atm but have managed to pinpoint my trigger (being alone and having something happen with no one to take care of my other three that led to 100s of what ifs) I found that repeating – your fine, your safe, and nothing is wrong – worked wonders. I have also been reading through a module article titled ‘panic stations’ that has helped immensely with understanding and accepting it for what it is. I never new anxiety could be so scary til I went through it and was lucky to have ppl around me who had been there. Nadia
- I had terrible anxiety and severe panic attacks with first pregnancy (which I lost at 9 weeks), then second try I was put on an anti anxiety/anti depressant and I was fine. My hormone levels at the beginning are so high I just go into a terrible anxious state. Silly me thought id be ok with no medication for my next pregnancy and it went into over drive, it was so bad I wanted the pregnancy to be no longer! They put me on meds again straight away but that took 4 weeks to kick in. I would never fall pregnant again without these medications. Both my children were born perfectly healthy while it was on medication. It’s an awful feeling. Hope that helps. Xx Joanna
- I have bad anxiety in my general life and it is even worse while I’m pregnant. It has been terrible in all 4 pregnancies. Skye
- I had anxiety with my first a lot, second time around only towards the end. Jane