Baby prefers others over mum
Q&A: My baby is 10 weeks old and I feel like he doesn’t prefer me to others. I’ve never been overly maternal so I don’t know if he picks up on this! He is breastfed with a formula before bed which his dad feeds him. My Aunty looks after him once a week for a few hours while I shop and it seems he smiles and loves being with her more than me. It has pretty much always been this way, it’s not a stage. Anyone else feel like this?
New Mummy Anxiety
New Mum Anxiety – tips to manage your stress and expectations to help you manage through the new baby stage
Experience with anxiety and panic attacks during pregnancy
Q&A: Did anyone have severe anxiety and panic attacks during their first pregnancy? If so, did you have the same experience with your next pregnancies?
First time mum anxiety towards labour
Q&A: I’m 19 weeks pregnant with my first baby and I’m absolutely terrified of giving birth.
Mum Anxious At Night – Searching For Baby
Parenting Question: New Mum Anxiety at Night: I wake up in the middle of the night searching for my baby in the bed or thinking I’m holding her. Did anyone else had similar experience? When did it stop?
PND: The Silver Lining
Post-natal depression (PND) is a black cloud that smoothers those parents that suffer from it. But Natasha found that those clouds also have a silver lining.
Dealing with New Parent Anxiety
Q&A: How did you deal with the anxiety of being a parent with your new baby?
Help with Anxiety before giving birth
Q&A: I think I sound stupid, but Im pregnant with my 5th child and am absolutely terrified of labour
Overcoming fear of miscarrying again
Q&A: I found out yesterday that I had miscarried. I was 5 weeks. Hubby and I had been trying for this one (#2) for a while so we were over the moon when we found out we were pregnant. How do we overcome the shock? I’m really struggling but hubby is struggling a lot more than I thought he would. I’m trying to stay strong for him but inside I’m dying. How can I grieve and be there for him? We are both now too scared to try again. How do people overcome this fear that it may happen again?
Dealing with Miscarriage
Q&A: I had a miscarriage, but I don’t think I am dealing with it very well. How can I move forward?
Dealing with traumatic labour
Q&A: My first son is 19months and I had a very traumatic labour, I had to be hooked up to the heart monitor as his heart rate kept dropping, and I ended up having an episiotomy and forceps delivery as after 2 hours of pushing he wouldn’t even. It was horrible, painful and messy and I suffered PND afterwards. I’ve just found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2. Hubby and I are both very excited but I keep having panic attacks when I think about labour. I’m just wandering if anyone has advice on how to get through this pregnancy and labour a little calmer? I am very worried and scared, and I am also thinking maybe I should just elect for a c section?
Considering abortion
Q&A: My husband and I just found out that we are pregnant with baby No.2. Baby no. 1 is 14 months at the moment. We always thought that we will have another baby when she is 3 years old. But it has happened now. My husband is the go with the flow person. But I like to be practical. The cons have outweighed the pros and I was really not happy when the home pregnancy test was positive. I would like to know what other mums views are on abortion and has anyone been in this situation before. Please no judging. I’m desperate for some advice.
Coping with abortion
Q&A: Just wondering how any of you women coped with having a termination/abortion done. Did it hurt after having it done or did you have any complications?