Birth photography is an ever-emerging genre with more and more Australian’s opting to take the ‘professionals’ into the delivery room. Today we are delighted to showcase the amazing work of Canadian Meaghan Milne in this round-up of her favourite images.
We know you will love this stunning collection of pictures as much as we do. They capture the pain, the elation and all the moments in between. You’ll be whisked back to your own births and you’ll undoubtedly connect emotionally with these women, because they’re sharing something you, woman to woman, can understand. Giving birth is a truly incredible experience – and these beautiful pictures tell that story in moving, touching detail.
You can see more of Meghan Milne’s work on her website or follow her on Facebook. She also shared with us a very special blog post you might like to click through and enjoy, a same-sex couple’s birth story documented in images, its breath-taking.
Heart stopping birth photos from Laura Elie