
Baby Hints & Tips


Did you get your son circumcised? What influenced your decision?

** Parents share their suggestions on where to get circumcised in Australia here **

  • If he gets it done older they give pain relief. My hubby was done as a young boy, and they used all drugs, and pain relief. As a baby under 1 they don’t use pain relief. Chantel
  • my son is circumcised don’t listen to anyone Hun do what u think is best. Tracey-Lee
  • there is no med reason to have it done I have 4 boys and have had no probs at all as for hygiene just leave them alone lol. Renee
  • We got our son done for that reason. I didn’t want him saying mummy why does mine look like this but daddies doesn’t (partners circumcised). But I honestly think its cleaner.  Jamie-Lee
  • If you’re concerned about your son looking different to his father, just remember all men/boys look different (the beauty of the human body). One is not simply more prone to infection if they are not circumcised. I would strongly recommend looking into the possible damage it may cause (lack of sensation, foreskin being cut incorrectly as no dr can be certain how much a baby will grow etc). At the end of the day it’s your choice, just make sure you’re informed before deciding to go through with the procedure. Tamika
  • By the time they give pain relief the skin is off lol. Tracey-Lee
  • I got my 4 month old done last week and he got pain relief!! Didn’t hurt him!! Good luck x  Alicia
  • Get yourself some unbiased information. It’s hard to find but it IS out there.
  • I don’t think you should worry about whether your man and bub are the same, coos baby bits look really different to big boy bits up until he’s old enough to understand anyway. Telle
  • we just got our 6 week old done and it was personally for us the best decision I would hate him to need it at an older age and his dad is done so we wanted him done my bub was in hospital with an infection at 3 weeks and drs advised it to be done its harder on us mums than it is on them feel free to pm me.    Also they do give a local do they don’t feel it and u can give panadol my ds didn’t need any pain relief.  Stacey
  • Have 2 boys and neither are done. Didn’t want to put them through it, but it’s a personal choice and you two are the only ones that can make that choice! Erin
  • If I had a son I would get them done. Mel
  • I’d leave it well alone – he’s going to encounter “different” all his life. I think unless there’s a medical reason leave it as nature intended. Tanya
  • We didn’t and have major regrets due to infections etc. He is 2 now. Do your own research and follow your heart. Don’t let anyone talk you into or out of it. We did and look where it got us!! Make a decision that is right for you and your family. It sucks deciding, I know that much. Fran
  • I personally don’t think any boy should be circumcised. There’s lots of information about hygiene and taking care- and its ok for your son to be different from his dad. I’d just let the little tyke be. X Erica
  • my son isn’t circumcised , we figured if it’s not broken why fix it , I understand where your coming from though, as for hygiene it is no different wash and keep clean lol , never pull on the foreskin though as it can cause damage , my 2 yr old knows how to clean himself and I figured if he gets to a certain age , and wants it done its his choice , unless there becomes a medical issue then I’ll get it done , but for the mean time it’s fine the way it is … As for it looking different , don’t they all look different lol ? Samantha
  • Ps a friend also had to have her eldest done at 4 many years ago and is now facing the same with her 6yr old. There is no predicting what will or won’t happen. You need to choose based on your own research and gut feelings. I know others who haven’t done it and their kids are fine. Fran
  • I was all for getting my son done, his dad is done and wanted him done too until I did my research and we decided to leave him as he is and he can make the decision when he is old enough to understand! We are made the way we are for a reason, why change it? Kylie
  • I have no opinion ether way but my thinking is they were made that way for a reason, why mess with nature? They used to do it many many years ago when “hygiene” was what it is today but makes before then and after then are fine and healthy I don’t see the point in the extra pain it could cause for no real benefit in the long run.  Rita
  • I asked at the hospital what the current trend was…. I didn’t want my son in the boys toilets being the only one with a different doodle to most In 2004 the trend was not to do it… subsequently there’s about 4 boys in a whole class that actually have had it done. I just wanted him to fit in. Vanessa
  • I spoke to my OB about this recently as I am in same situation. He said it was more done when our husbands were kids, now though it’s less done (like 10% or something!). More likely to compare themselves to kids their age rather than dad, apparently! Totally your choice though! Good luck.  Renee
  • Do what you think is best. A LOT of people are against it but there a plenty for it too. When I went and got ds done there were heaps of babies there waiting to be done so it isn’t unpopular. Alicia
  • It’s up to you I have 1 son who is done as he got infected he was 2 and a half. I think it’s hurts if done when a baby or older no matter what. He does not. He does not remember it but that doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt .Infection is caused coos it’s too tight more then not clean if I have another boy I will still not get it done. His father is not done and he has never asked why his looks different.  Kristy
  • My son is 8 months old and completely intact. It’s a myth that uncircumcised males are prone to more infections; it’s about good hygiene and proper care. To me personally I find the whole procedure barbaric God created men as he intended and taking away his foreskin is taking a part of him. I would urge you to do more research into circumcision and only then make your decision once you’re completely confident.  Jacinta
  • I have two sons, oldest for a medical reason had to get done aged around 1. I would never have got it done otherwise, while they have asked a few times why they are different down there I have explained what happened and that everyone is different and they are both ok with that it is a personal choice but after seeing the pain my son was in I wouldn’t do it again to any of my sons.  Melissa
  • my son was done coz his father was have a friend who didn’t with her first but he then got an infection so had to get it done wasn’t pleasant so with her second son she told doc her reason n he agreed my son didn’t feel pain at 6 weeks give them a bottle straight after n they don’t seem to worried I think the younger the better so if you want to get it done sooner rather than later. Savina
  • Had my son done at 11 days old. Not a drama for him. His dad is done and doesn’t remember it so I decided I’d let hubby make decision.
  • I decided that as I don’t have a penis, I can’t make an unemotional decision. Do not regret our choice at all, in fact happier we did as I’ve seen some horrid things happen to teenage boys and tearing.  Kylie
  • There s a lot of recent research advocating circumcision, including a much lower risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer in uncircumcised males partners. These are excellent reasons for getting a baby circumcised. http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/mobileart.asp?articlekey=7685&page=1 In the end it is a personal decision but the pain is only momentary in young babies, worse in older or adults. Sally
  • I was all for circ before I had my son, but once he was born there was no way I could do it and after researching so much, I figured there wasn’t a ‘benefit’ that outweighed anything else. just make an educated informed self opinion.  Louise
  • I’ve heard that statement b4 about a son looking different from his father by not being circumcised, but honestly who would know? What’s wrong with being different? They will never look like twins. It’s important to teach good hygiene, as it is with girls. My family & my husband have not been snipped & none of them have had infections. Honestly I think it’s like some women get urinary tract infections & I never do, but I don’t see us chopping girl’s vaginas. I just don’t understand it. Any surgery has risks of infection, I say take the risk & allow ur son to be as he was born….. Beautiful!  Rebecca
  • I know way to many adults that had to have it done it was & still is very unpleasant for them
  • We had our son done & any future sons will be done
  • No judges boy because he isn’t done therefore I think it’s unfair to judge because I boy is done!  Jamie
  • Personally I don’t think that looking differently to daddies is enough of a reason to have it done. Before puberty it will look very different whether circumcised or not. And after that he’d be old enough to understand. I don’t believe in altering babies’ bodies for cosmetic reasons but that’s a decision you have to make yourself. There are some who believe there are valid medical reasons to have it done. Melissa
  • Had my son done at 6 weeks, the bell procedure. He only cried when the nappy was taken off which is normal for him at the time. Talk to the dr doing it, read up on it from medical sites journals. The earlier done the less pain and no need to go under.  Laura
  • I got my son done at 10 days old, I cried he didn’t.  Bec
  • I got my son done and did a lot of research as well as remembering family members personal experience of having to get done later on as children who remember. I won’t go into it in this page but please feel free to pm me.  Also my son was in no pain at all. He slept through the entire procedure!    Amanda
  • Personally I’m a fan of circumcision. I found that the health benefits way outweighed the risks. At the end of the day though, it’s a personal choice. I’d recommend making an appointment with a doctor that does the surgery and have a chat to him about how it’s done, pros and cons, and make your decision from there. Just because you have the initial appointment, doesn’t mean you have to go through with it if you decide it’s not what you want to do. Sonia
  • We got our son done when he was a week old and when we got him done we were told we were lucky we decided to do it as his wee hole is isn’t in the right spot so by doing this we have saved a lot of pain and surgeries in years to come.
  • Please do what you think is right. Don’t listen to everyone saying a flat out no he is the way he is so leave it. People pierce they baby girls ears etc so it’s no different to that.
  • I also have 2 different friends having their boys now one is 5 years old and the other is nearly 10.
  • Two of my husband’s best mates got done at 22 and 19 and said it was horrible most painful thing ever and since had kids and got there boys circumcised straight away! Megan
  • I have both my sons done (2 and 5 months) they had Elma cream put on and one had the plastibell procedure and the other done surgically for medical reasons. I think there are now a lot more people getting it done. Not as many infections and the risk of carrying STD lessens. I’m all for it and I know there are many that are against it. My advice is just go and have a chat to a clinic and get some advice as they are the best people to give you the pros and cons if the procedure. Good luck with your decision.  Lee
  • My Son was done at a couple of weeks. We decided that we would get it done because daddy was done and my son didn’t even know what happened. . I do work in childcare though and it is much of a muchness some are done some isn’t. So it’s a personal decision.  Sara
  • My son isn’t done but my husband is. He is now 8 years old and has never once asked about being different to dad. I don’t even think he has ever noticed that they are different in that way, only the obvious difference in size and hair etc has ever been mentioned. We spoke to him about how to clean himself but mostly he figured it out for himself and he has never had any problems with infections.
  • Everyone will always have their own opinions, just do what you feel is best for your family. Good luck. Kristen
  • Oh we had plastibell method and my son didn’t even wake up.  Kylie
  • Both my sons are done 3yrs and 7mths definitely a personal preference…I’d suggest reading up on both sides and make an informed choice good luck with whatever choice you make.  Danelle
  • Weather people are for or against nobody should judge you as a parent we need to do what is right for us and our child. Stacey
  • Our son is circumcised for the shear fact that my partner has a medical history that runs in his family on the male side and we weren’t taking the risk of our son having the same issue as he got older. My sister however has not had either of my 2 nephews done, each to their own I guess, I wouldn’t worry about them “looking different” everybody is different to everyone else. Even if my partner didn’t have a family history of medical issues with that part, I still would have chosen to have it done, I personally think it looks a lot more clean and tidy and easier to maintain. And just to clarify, they do use pain relief; they numb the area with a local anesthetic. In the end, it really is your decision, but I had an ex that had his bit snipped at an older age, 21, and he was in an awful lot of pain, I think it’s better to get it done when they are little and won’t remember the pain.     Karen
  • Both of my boys r done I left that decision to hubby he is so I think he knows what’s best for our boys. Our first son was done at 3 mths and he was in a fair bit of pain and our second son was done way much earlier due to our first experience and second time around was much better less pain our second son got done at 2wks old and he was fine both boys r fine after 10days the ring falls off course they put a ring around their penis and its fine no dramas at all. I personally think get it done but then at the sometime I never had any other experience than that I wouldn’t know any difference. My suggestion I would ask hubby to decide.  Daniela
  • When will your son ever look at his dads penis and ask him why his different. When he is old enough that he realizes he won’t be wanting to compare penises to his dad that’s for sure lol. My DH isn’t done and hasn’t had a problem n my 6week old son won’t be ether. Regardless if my DH was or wasn’t I would still not. It’s not our religion and they are actually there for a reason. I wouldn’t circ my daughter so I wouldn’t circ my son. If for medical reasons he had to I would. I haven’t even pierced my dds ears because I believe I should alter her body…she’s perfect and he is perfect the way they are and if in future they want it done (it is possible for adults to choose to) or if she wants her ears done that’s ok. This is obviously my opinion so YOU do what YOU feel is right xx   Jess
  • I’m not going to tell you what to do, but will give you some things to think about. 1) How many times as a child did you and your mother compare vaginas? Do you think your husband and son are going to walk around comparing penises?
  • When it’s done as a baby, no drugs are used to knock them out. Some ‘numbing’ creams might be used, but not always. The penis will always be sensitive, so a newborn baby will definitely feel it. If it’s done older, they can be put to sleep.
  • How would you feel if you had your choices taken from you? What if your son doesn’t want to be circumcised? At least if you leave it, he can decide either way later.
  • Penises don’t need special treatment. You don’t need to retract foreskins – EVER. It’s self-cleaning in there and you can do major damage by trying to retract it. The foreskin can remain fused to the head of the penis until early teenage years. Forcing it will hurt.  Wangaratta Mummies
  • Just to clarify, circumcision does NOT stop him getting STIs later in life at all. I have no idea why people think that and I think it’s really stupid to think it does. Ask a doctor and they will tell you the same thing.    Emily
  • I don’t understand the whole get it done to look like daddy argument I have a 12 y.o son he and hubby (both uncirc) have never compared penises, A pre pubescent penis doesn’t look like a grown mans penis anyway and it would be just strange for them to be comparing later in life. As for infections and needing it done in later life I wouldn’t think that statistics would be very high on these procedures. Rhiannon
  • Personally I believe it’s illegal to cut off any other part of your child’s body, but it’s your choice. Peta
  • As many people have said, who goes around comparing their genitals? By the time your son potentially notices that there is something different about his penis compared to his father’s he will be old enough to explain why. Also when people say that they get their sons circumcised for hygiene reasons I have a little giggle to myself, are we also going to shave our children’s heads so they don’t have to wash their hair? No we as parents are going to teach our children proper hygiene and how to clean themselves properly, and until they are of an age that they can competently do it for themselves we as parents should be doing this for them. As a parent of a young boy I could never ever intentionally hurt my child, it breaks my heart when he hurts himself accidentally! And all this crap about the wont remember it, well they will know at the time, they cry and they are hurting, and as a mother I could never ever do it, and I will never understand how anyone could.  Melissa
  • I have a son and a step son, 6 & 4… Both uncirc. Currently, 4year old on medication for infection in foreskin and 6 year old had had painful sensations on and off as his foreskin is too tight for his penis… I sooooo wish they were done! Especially my son, I should have had him done as a baby! Good luck!  Jas
  • It’s hard to find a dr to do it as it’s not medically needed. My son is not circumcised and I was told the trend now us not to as there is really no medical reason to. But it’s totally a person choice so good luck.  Sasha
  • there is nothing to say for sure that this prevents infections keeps them clean etc. this is a religious tradition not a medical one I have four boys none are circumcised there are plenty of information the only thing you really have to do starts when they are around two pulling the skin back in the bath that’s all there is to it really. It is really up to you if it is needed to be done in our family or not. Children dont notice things like this I’m gathering you are referring to toilet training seeing daddy etc.  Melissa
  • Absolutely a personal choice. My fiancé is done, and my sister in law had both her boys done, so we just thought we’d get it done…we didn’t know what we were having so we couldn’t really think about it until he was born. We decided not to get him done, as long as you do your research…when he gets to the age when you or dad teaches him about hygiene it won’t make a difference if they aren’t both circumcised Good luck. Lauren
  • I think u had to get them done before 6 weeks or otherwise they r knocked out for procedure! Firstly and based on ur situation I would say not to do it at that age! I am pro choice in this debate and have had both my sons done at a very young age and glad I did, but at 3 months old if I hadn’t done it I wouldn’t unless medically advised. The whole dad and boys comparing thing was never a factor for me as I think u can explain any differences to them but good luck with the decision. Becky
  • We had our son done at 6 days old; hubby was done so he wanted his son done. And yes they give you numbing cream to put on the tip of the penis an hour before they cut it. Yes they cry a little but it’s only because they get held down… Hope that helps.  Sally-Ann
  • None of my family is done; my entire hubby’s family is done. So it was a big decision for us and we eventually decided to get our first son done for all the reasons you mentioned and more. We then went on to have 3 more sons and they have all been done. I think with your son now 10 weeks old, you may have to wait until he is at least 6 months old and it will be done under a general anesthetic. We found the doctors either preferred it to be done before 6 weeks old using local or after 6 months under general. Feel free to inbox me for more details.  Belinda
  • I’ve had both my boys done. You’d be surprised how many end up needing to be circumcised later due to infections, etc. It isn’t as bad as people would make you believe. One of my boys was a day old, the other 2 weeks old and after 2mins of crying they were fine. It’s a really quick and simple procedure and assuming he may shower/bath with your hubby you’d be surprised at how young they notice when things are different. Personal choice but dont let anyone make you feel like it’s barbaric. Good luck with whatever you decide.    Rebecca
  • Do some research on the topic and maybe ask ur gp.  Ilona
  • well this topic certainly has two clear sides. My dad & both brothers were circumcised (medically). Hub not. We have 2 boys both required it for medical reasons. Eldest at 6 – he coped fine & healed quickly. Youngest at 14 months. Both had a block prior to surgery & plenty of pain relief for up to a week. If I were to have another boy I would again only have it done if something was wrong. No issues with hygiene or being different to their dad. Everyone is different in some way. Good luck with your decision. Nix
  • my 8month old was done at 2weeks old… I left that decision to my partner; he is done so he chose to get his son done… He is your baby so it’s yours and your partner decision, just do your research and talk to docs about it!! Good luck!!  Shannon
  • Do we circumcise our daughters in Australia? No. Why do it to our sons? My son isn’t and never will be. If girls get an infection down there, they get antibiotics. We don’t go cutting ears off too prevent possible ear infections. And by the way… Numbing creams numb the SKIN… Not the nerves under the skin which need to be cut.  Kirsty
  • We had our son circumcised at 2 weeks old and had the plastibell put on – no dramas what so ever. Our son never cried and was never in pain with the procedure. Totally a personal decision. Good luck!  Emma
  • My hubbie had testicular cancer and had to have one testicle removed by an urologist. When we had our son, we asked the urologist about his thoughts on circumcision. He believed that it was totally unnecessary. We decided to go with his advice as he is a specialist in ‘men’s bits’ and therefore should know more than a GP on the matter.  Jenny-Louise
  • I have two sons both left intact. I’m from the UK and we don’t do it there unless religious reasons! So being “cut” was a novelty! I had my eldest on the UK so deciding for against, never came up! My partner asked why I didn’t (he obviously would of chosen to snip it) but I just don’t agree with it. With our second son (third baby) it wasn’t even discussed as our eldest wasn’t done! Unless they “need” it medically then I am happy to leave it!   There are soooo many nerve endings there and chopping bits off just doesn’t sit well with me! I also saw a friend’s bub that was cut and it just looks wrong and scary IMHO!  Julie
  • I have 3 boys left the way they were born. if they weren’t suppose to have it they would not have been born with it. my eldest is 10 and have never had a problem. no need for ‘cleaning’ it. I have never had a problem ever. my daughter has not been circumcised either. I have not had my children’s appendix out either in case there is an infection. my hubby was circumcised but my kids and hubby are not left in a position where they compare. good luck xxx   Sam
  • I have my ears pierced- it didn’t make me think I should pierce my baby girl’s ears to look like me….  Rebecca
  • hi the father of my boy was done however I refused to get my son done when he was a baby but always said if it ever needed doing I would get it done and sure enough by the time he was 4 he was having problems and he had to get it done…. If I could change it I would have gotten him done as a baby as it would have been a lot less painful for him…it took my son a week to fully recover at 4 and it only gets longer with time…. What I’m trying to say is really its personal choice and I’m not saying he will have problems when he is older just that it’s your baby and your choice.  Arnique
  • Don’t let people who know didly squat about the physiology of skin and the effective of numbing creams put you off having your baby circumcised. Do your research, we are not talking about infection, and we are talking about prevention of both penile and cervical cancer. Yes we were born with beautiful bodies but we were also given a brain to learn how to treat and prevent mortality and morbidity, That’s why we die older now than ever before. There is so much research on Google, be advised then make your choice. Good luck.  Sally
  • I have 1 son done for medical reasons at 4 (now 7) I am pro circumcision. My 5 yr old isn’t done. They do compare and have asked y they are different and have seen my partners and he knows his is the same where my youngest is different. I believe in getting it done as my boy had medical problems. (Very painful, massive swelling, no sleep, doped up on meds) it’s not nice at that age. Get it done early to avoid an operation, it’s clean and tidy. I say go for it get it done.  Sammie
  • EMLA cream is a mixture of two local anesthetic, lidocaine and prilocaine. It is designed to provide topical anesthesia only at the site that it is applied to, namely only the very superficial layers of the skin. It is not to be expected to provide anesthesia for deeper intramuscular injections. In fact, the cream gets inactivated as it penetrates the skin, protecting the patient from some undesirable side effects that would result from a systemic absorption of the medicine. EMLA is therefore effective for preparing the skin for such procedures as superficial biopsies or intravenous line insertions. It should be liberally applied for 1 hour under an occlusive dressing, and wiped away with an alcohol pad prior to using the area. Children should be watched and care should be taken not to allow any of the medicine to get near the eye or mouth. Remember that many children will likely cry after a new stimulus in any unfamiliar situation, whether or not they feel pain at all. Your experience with EMLA cream was an unfortunate one for you and probably a painful one for the patient. Jay H. Epstein, M.D.Anesthesiologist, Largo Medical Center, Largo, Florida     Allison
  • My son is intact, my husband not. He did ask me one day why they look different. I told him that the doctor cut his daddy’s penis. He went and hugged and his father and said gee daddy that’s really sad do u don’t think he has a problem with it. Normal hygiene takes care if the cleaning. He also asked me why he has different coloured hair to his sisters, didn’t make me dye his heir it worry about him not washing it properly!!  Amanda
  • I’m bit sure where you are from but there are a lot of doctors who won’t do it unless it is for a medical reason these days … I didn’t get my eldest son done but had to get it done for medical reasons due to infections & other complications when he was school aged he was fine & it went all well I have a 13 1/2 month old which we won’t be getting done unless needed in my opinion just because daddy’s done doesn’t mean he has to be…… But this is your choice like someone else said do your research & see if there is any dr’s in your area that you can get advice from good luck. Tanya
  • I had my lo done at 12weeks. For the exact same reason as you. He didn’t need knocking out just the numbing cream. The ring fell off after 5days another week later and it’s looking great. But the main thing was my lo didn’t seem any different.
  • Not sure where you’re from but we had it done at circumwise in Melbourne (Vermont).
  • Everyone has their opinion on this subject but at the end of the day it’s your decision and that’s all that matters.  Erin
  • Had my twin boys done at 4 weeks and would do it again. More for health reasons but hubby done as well so he was pro the decision. As you said – everyone has an opinion. Do your research and make your own mind up. Don’t let anyone give you crap over it. Your son your choice. Good luck. Hayley
  • My thoughts that I stand by is that I don’t have a penis I don’t know what it would or wouldn’t be like. I left that decision up to dad. If there was no dad I would probably not because I’m against unnecessary medical intervention. The best way a little boy learns how to clean it is by playing with it in the bath. I’m confident your hubby could work out what to do if he did have a foreskin.  Rebecca
  • My 3 boys all got done, they only cried for a few minutes and all was good, no side effects. Kathryn
  • My son is done, it wasn’t something I made the choice for, I was happy for his father to decide. Once they started the prep, I was long gone and sat in the car crying LOL the following week for us was somewhat traumatic, screaming every time he had a wee. Broke my heart and didn’t get help from his father. But after that, now almost two years on, I am pleased we did do it, I’m now a single mum and pretty glad that it won’t be something he may need done at an older age. We had to apply Vaseline after every nappy change and something I forgot to buy before. If a similar experience is yours, rest assure he did stop crying with every wee and i say well worth it now.  Elizabeth
  • My nearly 2 yr old was done at 3 weeks, was a horrible feeling getting it done, but I don’t regret it at all. I left the decision upto daddy, he after all is the one with the same equipment if I had anymore boys I’d get them done as well. It’s normal to feel horrible for doing it but just think of the result and your reasons for doing it. Kailah
  • Our little one got circumcised when he was 7 weeks. He cried a bit whilst they done it and on the next day when we took the band aid off. But then he was fine and I’m glad we’ve done it. Melanie
  • My little man was done at 2weeks he didn’t cry until he was in the recovery room & as soon as I put him on the boob he forgot all about it. No side effects & if I had another boy he would be done as well! His daddy wanted him done so he was like him & I wanted him done as a friend had to have her little boy done at 5 due to medical reasons it is was horrific for her poor little man.  Libby
  • I have two boys and both have been done.. My second boy had the ring procedure done and i recommend it to anyone!! So much easier to clean and nowhere near as much pain for them!! Good luck its horrible but its definitely better for them in the long run!!  Jen
  • I had my son done when he was 4 weeks old because that’s the maximumage he could be to get it done. He cried for maybe 5 mins and was fine. NO side affects, but use plenty of vasoline so his “bits” dont stick to the nappy. You can be very generous (buy homebrand vaso)  Sarah
  • We did it got our first son and will be doing it for the next. I asked the midwives before I had him and they gave me names. I called and they said as soon as bub was born to call and book an appointment. That particular doc would only do them up until they turn 4 weeks old. Get it over and font with early if you’re going to do it.  Emma
  • I researched before I decided we chose yes and did the plastibell it was easy and you don’t have to bother with changing gauze the hospital did the circumcision 4 days afterward and the sooner the better.  Amber
  • As a new born they can’t have pain relief, so some places recommend 12 months plus.  Chantel 
  • We had our son circumsised and ended up doing the plastibell procedure. It was cheaper if it was done before bub was 5 months old, that’s in brisbane though.  Jessica
  • I got my son done when he was 5 weeks old. Some doctors won’t do it after 8 weeks old. The doctor I went to said he didn’t do it after 4 weeks old and 5kg. But because my son was only 4kg at 5 weeks he did it. Each doctor is different, your midwife should be able to give you a list.  Sammy 
  • We were in Perth when we got our son done the midwife at king eddy suggested ringing the Jewish community they did it before 6 weeks but that was five yrs ago.  Savina
  • My partner & I got our son circumcised when he was a newborn.He slept right through the procedure and got given a small bottle of Panadol for bubby.I made the phone call to organize it while I was in hospital.  Maddison 
  • I took my bub at 1 week old and the dr said they wait until they are 4 weeks old as then they can have babypanadol. He gave me a script to go get some numbing cream, you put it on twice before taking bub in to get it done. it was done at the dr surgery and over in no time bub bearly cried. I was told to keep using the numbing vream after aswell as another cream that he gave me a script for along with baby panadol for any discomfort. Bub was fine didnt really bother him at all. I would definately get it done as early as you can as the longer you leave it the worse the pain becomes. Sarah 
  • We had our son done at 2wks old. Our surgeon would only do it up to 4weeks old with no pain relief. We did plastibell too.  Terri
  • It depends on the hospital private or public alot of public hospitals will not do it unless it is a medical issue or religion reasons we where told they wouldnt do it with our son cause there was nothing wrong with him so we would have had to see a specialist and pay etc i know they do it in private hospitals when bub is born but also think you need to pay for it.  Kylie
  • Newborn is recommended most specialists won’t do the procedure on your son after 4/6 weeks. There are few different ways they can do the procedure. Most go with plasti bell. I would do as much research as possible before bub is born so you know who the doctor is and how old they would like bubby to be. A lot of nurses & doctors don’t like talking about it and we had to do our research on finding someone. Google search should give you a good starting point.  Rebecca
  • We did our ds when he was around 7weeks old. My partner organized it. It’s quite a simple procedure the way we got it down which was the plastibell method. We got ours done by a DR who specializes in the procedure around Australia but is based in QLD.
  • I can give you the drs name over here (he has a website) and I’m sure he would be able to put you in the right direction for a place over there.  Michelle
  • We had our Ds done, he had to be over 6 weeks old ( or over birth weight) and no older then 6mths old. They used a clip so no cutting and the forskin fell off 5 days later! Never had any problems or regrets just washed it every day. I was nerves come the day but they took him away asleep and he came back asleep so he wasn’t bothered at all and slept perfect that night wasn’t even sooky. I’m not in Perth but our gp doesn’t do it we traveled to Melbourne and went to a place that only does circumcisions. It is your choice and don’t let anyone make you feel bad for making it good luck.  Kasey
  • The specialist that done both my sons circisions does them before their 12 weeks old. we made appointment before they were born as waiting periods were long.  Taryn
  • Google Perth circumsion clinic, doctor resnick is great! He was the doctor on at KEMH when our son was born premmie so when he gets out if the hospital I am going to book in with him:) they say before 6 weeks buts just google it and it gives you all the info!  Liz
  • We decided before baby was born that as we live I in times of good hygiene, have running water etc. We didnt see circumcision necessary.  Cassie
  • http://www.perthcircumcisionclinic.com.au/ I found this they will be able to help you with all your questions.  Rebecca
  • I got my son done, as will with this one due soon too. my dr tried putting me off for quite a while, so in the end my son was 7 months, but i will be pushing for this one alot sooner. im in NSW but his was lasered, he only cried wen he got a needle to numb the area, and had nurofen and panadol intermittently to help with pain. taking care of it was so easy. good luck.  Alison
  • I’m in the same position of looking into someone who can do our baby if it’s a boy. There is a medical issues on my side and I will not let my could be son go though any pain…I’m in NSW so I will be talking to my dr and midwife at my next app maybe look online and at your next app ask your dr and midwife everything your unsure of.  Mel
  • Dr Leon levitt google him does most circs in Perth!  Becky
  • We decided to get our son done when he was born and didn’t start organising it until then. The dr we used recommended it be done before 7wks, but I’m in NSW so not sure if this is something common to all doctors. But the actual experience was far more traumatic for me than it was for bub. He slept through the whole thing! We had no issues afterwards either.  Carla
  • We are getting our son done at 6 months – our obstetrician and now the paediatric surgeon didn’t recommend it before 6 months. So he is booked in for next month. We live in country vic but are going to melb to have the procedure. Good luck.  Rachel
  • We have a doctor in the next town that do it. He said to ring the say baby is born (we dont know if it’s a girl or boy) and they book us in, we go and talk to them about it. Get sent home and if still want to go ahead it will be done 2 days later. He rather them be under 4 weeks.  Cin
  • My nephew had to have it due to medical reasons which they discovered at 6 months but couldn perform until roughly 3 and he will go back around 8 to have another again watching the pain he went through was heart breaking the simplest of tasks such as begin in a car seat or weeing would have him vomiting from pain id suggest unless its medical or your highly religeous rethink and just understand it lasts for roughly 4 months of pain. All the best i hope this helps you in your decision.  Katie
  • We also used Dr Leon levitt. He is fantastic. Just ring as soon as ur son is born. They did my boys at 2wks old. It was a minute procedure. Highly recommend dr levitt.  Jayde
  • My son was 5 weeks old when we got him done! Where i live they have to have it done by 6 weeks old! We went to a specialist clinic that our health care nurse recommened! We organised it 2 weeks beforehand.  Hailey
  • My son was 6 weeks old. Just ask for a referal when bub is first born. Most doctors prefer to do it before they are 6 to 8 weeks old. My son was not bothered by it until he first did a wee but after that was fine. He was just about completely healed within 2 weeks and it didnt bother him much at all. He has not had a problem with it since either.  Charmaine
  • Kelvale medical group. Dr lim brilliant.  Emily
  • Make an informed decision about this procedure, talk to your midwife/ maternal child health nurse they can give you info and practitioners numbers. Do your research make up your own mind. Decide before bubs is born if possible (as its normally done in those first few weeks after birth when you’re exhausted and full of hormones)Ensure you know which method the practitioner uses and what it involves. It’s seen as purely cosmetic by the public health system so do not be surprised if you have to travel or there is an out of pocket cost. If you travel stay in the area for at least 24hrs, in case there’s complications. If you choose to do this then do it while they are young, they just recover better, and you can’t miss something you never had.  Be aware that not everyone is pro-circumcision, and it can trigger an emotional response that’s not necessarily rational! I was surprised to find ALOT of my family are not, but friends are. Be sure whether you want it and why, this is not a reversible procedure. I found the insight program (sbs) “first cut” episode handy when discussing it w hubby. I’m sure it’s archived somewhere. http://www.sbs.com.au/insight/article/index/id/557559/h/Circumcision-For-and-Against Here’s a link to the main arguments and I’m sure if u fish u can find the actual episode. Good luck with a tricky decision!  Chloe
  • I had my first son done and he had to be fine by 6 weeks or the specialist wouldn’t do it. My second son I didn’t get done originally but at 3 he kept getting UTIs and the skin wasn’t stretching so we went to a urologist and he had to go to hospital and have it done. You can ask the hospital but unless its a religious thing they are hesitant to give out information. But you can ring around urologists prior to birth to get names and information.  Sam
  • My son was done at 6 weeks, we just asked our gp for a referral to a surgeon that was known to do the procedure… he only cried when he got the needle for numbing and only needed a few doses of panadol to get him through the first day and it was completely healed within a week… in regards to Kate’s comment above I would point out that 4 months of pain is a very rare thing and probably had to do with having it done at such a late age. this is what you possibly avoid by having it done straight away.. the chances of needing it done later and causing a lot more pain is way higher than an early procedure causing excessive pain and problems… most mothers that had to get their son’s done later say that they wish they’d just done it in the beginning… hope you have a good experience… also it cost us roughly $600 so start saving if you need too.  Zoe

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