
Tag: Circumcision

circumcision in melbourne

Circumcision in Melbourne

Parenting Review – Parents share their experiences and recommendations on circumcision in Melbourne and greater Victoria

Where to get circumcised in Australia

Q&A: I’m looking for doctor recommendations around Australia for circumcision. My husband wants our new son circumcised but we live in a state that won’t do it until baby is 1. I don’t want people’s opinions on it, I’m looking for recommendations only, from people who have used a good doctor. Willing to travel anywhere to see a good doctor with a good procedure

Circumcision Custom

Circumcision Details

Q&A: Parents share their advice and thoughts on deciding should I circumcise my baby

circumcision in older babies

Circumcision in an older infant

Q&A: Parents share their experience with circumcision in older infants.

Negative Comments about your Parenting Decisions

Q&A: How have you dealt with negative comments made about the important decisions you as parents have made (eg circumcision, ear piercing or baptism) from family and friends who ‘know it all’?



Q&A: Parents share about their decision whether to circumcise or not, and what influenced that decision.