
Baby Hints & Tips

Where to get circumcised in Australia

I’m looking for doctor recommendations around Australia for circumcision. My husband wants our new son circumcised but we live in a state that won’t do it until baby is 1. I don’t want people’s opinions on it, I’m looking for recommendations only, from people who have used a good doctor. Willing to travel anywhere to see a good doctor with a good procedure. Thanks

Circumcision is the removal by surgery of the foreskin at the end of the penis.  Consider all the benefits and potential risks of circumcision before making the decision to circumcise your child.  Read more detailed information on circumcision.

** Q&A on deciding to circumcise here **

Circumcision in New South Wales 

Our guide to circumcision in Sydney

  •  Dr Schultze, Lisarow NSW Central Coast was fantastic and our son had zero issues.    Jayne
  •  If you’re travelling to Sydney- Dr Blumenthal is highly recommended. He is in Blacktown, Bella Vista & Wahroonga.    Megan
  •  Dr Arrage (who works with Blumenthal) also offers it, based at Westmead and Norwest. It is a simple procedure; a ring gets put on the foreskin pulled over. It comes off quickly (3 days for our Son) and didn’t seem to upset our bubs at all. We did as recommended and used Vaseline on both sides of some gauze to act as a buffer so it doesn’t rub on the nappy.    Janna
  •  Dr Schulze at Lisarow, Central Coast of NSW.   Tracey
  •  The best paed surgeon is in Sydney he is highly recommended his name is Anthony Dilley number 02) 9540 4409.    Aimee
  •  Dr Schultz at Absolute Medical Services Lisarow NSW. He does newborn to 3 months. He’s great and did my sons plus many of my friends sons, no complications and every boy healed well. Gives you his personal number that you can call at anytime if you are worried about anything post op. Not sure where you live but if you look up www.circumcisionaustralia.org.au for more details on drs that are part of the circumcision foundation of Australia. That’s where I found dr Schultz as well as by word of mouth from friends and family.    Shelly
  • A friend of mine took her baby to an excellent GP / ex-OBGYN named John Schulz who practices in Lisarow NSW.    Lisa
  • Heres a link to mid north coast doctor http://www.drwalkom.com.au/index.php?option=com_content…    Danika
  •  Dr Bookalill in Armidale NSW, fantastic Dr, used the bell method had my son done at 7week’s.    Amy
  •  Lismore Dr Taylor was wonderful. I recommend that u find a Dr that uses the ‘bell’ (sorry not 100% sure that the method is called) it’s were they don’t cut the skin but put a some sort of bell ring on and it just falls off after 5 days my son had no pain at all after the numbing needle. We had our son done at a month old but Dr Taylor does it from birth.    Natasha
  •  Dr Charles Oliver, Blamey Street Medical Centre Wagga Wagga NSW, did my son and I have worked for him:-) Only does babies up to 3 weeks of age!    Trudi-Lee
  • Dr Dilley in Miranda Sydney 029 540 4409 He did our son and 3 Nephews and he and nurses were awesome, nil problimo, Highly recommend. He is also a Paed Surgeon.    Mia
  • Dr Schuetz in Lisarow NSW did our son and was amazing. Would highly recommend! Good luck with everything gave us his personal home and mobile number and was available 24/7 for any worries.    Kacie
  •  Dr Greg Hicks in Newcastle. He is a private doctor but he is fantastic. He takes your baby, no parents while it is done. Took 10 minutes and our baby boy was fine after. Healed very well with no discomfort what so ever to my boy.   Erin
  •  Dr Hal Rickard-Bell at Russell Street medical centre in Bathurst NSW.   Natalie
  •  Dr Bookalil in Armidale Nsw did our little boy he was very professional.    Danielle 
  •  We had dr Norman blumenthal at bankstown he also does wahroonga but you make the appointment through bankstown for either surgery. It was quick and he was happy to answer any questions even after we had left the surgery. Our son had no problems with it at all and was done at 3 weeks old.    Rebecca
  •  Dr Bell in Castle Hill, Sydney. He circumcised both my boys. He only circumcises babies before the age of 3 weeks though. Both boys healed within days.   Rema
  •  Dr Dilley in Liverpool/ engadine. Have heard good and bad about him. I do however have a friend who got her baby done by dr Blumenthal as everyone has recommended and she was also happy with him. Only thing is the trip home to Liverpool might be hard with a grizzly baby depending on how your baby is feeling.   Tammy
  •  Harry Dr Merkur 6 Kempsey St, Blacktown NSW 2148 (02) 9622 8000. He was brilliant. Cost was $390 and got back $125 back from medicare. Highly recommended.   Julie
  •  I took my son to a specialist in blacktown, is that too far away for you? Consultation and procedure done on same day we were only in there for about half hr all up, fee was $420 and I got back about $100 from Medicare. Drs name is dr blumenthal number is 96215399. Had no problems with healing at all. I found dr to be a bit rude but the nurses were wonderful.   Lindy
  •  There are 2 in Bathurst dr Ross Wilson and dr rickard-bell or 1 in Dubbo dr Wilson is lovely.   Katie
  • Dr Blumenthal is a specialist in this field. Read the info available on his site regarding pros and cons and age vs local or general anaesthetics.   Belinda
  • Dr Dilly in Gymea Nsw. He circumcised our boy and everything went smoothly. Can only recommend him as he is very experienced.   Melanie 
  •  Central coast. Dr Schultz. GP. No referral needed. Uses plastibell method. He did boys at 4 weeks. We live 4 hrs away and he did the check up by photos and phone calls (although I’m a paramedic so he trusted my judgement). Very happy and will go back with any other boys we have.    Hayley
  • We got our son done in Albury also. Very quick, clean and professional. No problems afterward either .   MArni
  •  Dr Schultz @ Absolute Medical, Lisarow Central Coast NSW. From memory he does them from newborn up to 3 months of age.   Keira
  •  We went to Dr Gayed in Dee Why in Sydney’s Northern beaches he did it for my son at 3weeks old. It was a really easy process for us.  Safaa
  •  Armidale NSW not sure of the doctor I got my son done there very clean and professional and not to expensive.   Paige
  •  Dr Schultz. Central Coast Nsw. Absolute Medical Services. Lisarow.   Corinne
  •  Dr Pieter Mourik in Albury NSW. He is fantastic. He will perform the procedure up until, I’m pretty sure, 8 weeks of age. Pm me if you have any questions. Good luck.   Joanne
  • Dubbo NSW.. Dr Tooth & Dr sameratunga.. same practice ,tooth did my first and sameratunga did my second.. very happy!   Lee

Circumcision in Queensland

Our guide to circumcision in Brisbane

  • Dr Stalewski is AMAZING !! I cannot recommend him enough he has done all my sons surgeries and is BRILLIANT!! He also goes to Mackay.    Katie
  • I second Dr Terry Russell. He didn’t circumcise our son but did correct our sons lip and tongue tie. They babies we saw that were getting circumcised, his procedure was very different to what was done with our sons.    Kym
  •  I recommend a paed surgeon who can do them from 6 months … They are put under gas so no pain during procedure which can happen during plastibell method. We are in Brisbane and are using Dr Chris Bourke … Very knowledgeable and actually cheaper than Terry Russell.   Pru
  •  Terry Russell’s clinic at Macgregor. Wouldn’t go anywhere else-he has the best treatment statistics and is very informative. If you have any issues they are even willing to see you the same day that you phone.    Tegan
  • Dr Terry Russell, was great and had no problems since. Mt gravatt qld.    Sarah
  •  Brisbane look up Russellmedical.com.au he’s the best!    Jessica
  • Dr Russell in Macgregor, QLD is wonderful! Our little man was done at 2 weeks.    Anita
  • Dr Terry Russell in Brisbane. He is very accommodating of people who travel to come to him. Look up www.circumcision.com.au.    Ruby
  • Yes Doctor Russel my boy and nephew were circumcised by Terry & mine is 2.5yrs old now & my nephew 1.5 now and no issues, brilliant work Definately recommend the 2wks old for geting it done as Doctor Russell practices, the younger the better. Also make sure u inform your travelling a fair distance so they do consult, prep & procedure on same day.    Toni
  •  Dr Russell at MacGregor Qld did my sons at 6wks and he was great informed us well on procedure and aftercare highly recommend!    Vanessa
  •  Dr Russell did my son at 2 weeks. No dramas at all.    Athelie
  •  There’s a group on the gold coast who do it, a friend of mine had her 6 week old done! Google health HQ in Southport QLD.   Mell
  •  Dr Terry Russell – Brisbane. Did all 3 of my boys. He was awesome.    Monique
  • Dr Roger Waterfield in Cairns, QLD.    Rachael
  •  Dr Russell in Brisbane is great. You can call them at any time of the day or night with questions and the method he uses is quick and painless (from what I could tell) babies were coming out after the procedure still asleep. I highly recommend him.    Amanda
  •  Dr Russell in Brisbane, him And the staff there are great. Very reassuring for nervous mums and dads he was on 60minutes back in march.    Jodie
  • Terry Russell in Brisbane.    Melanie
  • Dr Terry Russell is great and his clinic at mount gravatt is only about 20 minutes from brisbane airport.    Jessica
  • Both my boys have been done at Russell medical as well in Brisbane. Terry Russell was great.. Mine both got done before they were 6 weeks.    Sara
  • We are in Brisbane QLD. Dr Chris Bourke recently circumcised our 8 month old and 4 year old. They both had general anaesthesia for it. The first few days were rough but they have healed up nicely.    Tracey
  • Dr Russell in Macgregor, qld is gr8! Our little man was done at 11wks.    Bec
  • http://www.circumcisionsqld.com.au/index.php QLD.    Bronwyn
  •  I was also recommended Dr Terry Russell. . Heard alot of reviews spoke once and he answered my questions as well as inform me about the pros n cons we never got the procedure as my son passed away.    Kylie
  •  Dr Terry Russel in Mt Gravatt Qld is fantastic. Does the plastibell procedure. Highly recommend.    Sara
  •  Dr Borzi through mater in Brisbane is fantastic. Wont do until 6mths though. But he does a cut and stitch under anesthetic instead of bell. One boy done yr nd half ago next getting done in jan. My GP hot her sons done by him too. Can get referel from your gp. I prefered it to bell method.    Courtney
  •  Dr Ashraf in Mackay, Qld. He did it at 1 week old. We had no issues. I was against getting it done but was probably more upset than our son was.    Andie
  •  Dr Tarr, Buderim, Sunshine Coast.    Bree
  •  Dr Terry Russell in Brisbane, we didn’t end up having it done for our boys but he’s the one who was recommended by our Paed. He uses a band procedure. Apparently painless for newborns. We did however go to him for all three boys fixing their tongue tie. Good luck.   Rachelle
  • Dr Terry Russell in Brisbane.    Carly
  •  I got our son done by the doctor who’s put out a lot of research papers about the positives of circumcision Dr Terry Russell.   Seran
  •  Dr Harry Stalewski, he’s in Townsville but does travel to Mackay.   Tanya
  •  We were very happy with Dr Mercer in Rockhampton.    Chrissy
  •  Dr Bourke at the mater in Brisbane. He seen us for referral in ipswich qld. Was fabulous done under anesthetic at 6 months no dramas, no side effects.    Amy
  •  Dr Roger Waterfield in Cairns but he only does it up till 8 weeks.    Sami
  •  Wamuran Medical Centre Queensland. They specialize in it. Had both my boys done there with no issues and not overly expensive like other places I called.    Amanda
  •  Southport at the Gold Coast. Gold Coast circumcision clinic. There’s also a surgeon called dr bailey at southport who does them. It’s about $500. I’ll be getting my next one done at 6 wks there.    Jo
  •  Dr Roger Waterfield in Cairns but he only does it up till 8 weeks.    Sami
  • We are in Townsville, Dr Stalewski is fantastic, my first he did at just over 24hrs old before we even left the hospital, my second was not quite 2 weeks old, no problems with either, healed quickly and well.    Kristie_anne
  •  Dr Harry Stalewski located in Townsville, he specialise in circumcision exclusively.   Jess
  • Try the circumcision and vasectomy centre in Southport QLD…we had Dr read and he was amazing….no tears from our son as they use the plasibell system, and we had no problems at all!    Kirby
  •  I live in Qld, I’m pretty sure doctors everywhere do it here.. I suggest try calling Brisbane first coz they are the main and biggest hospital of all in qld. I suggest not calling Nambour, I think they are a chop shop. Not sure if Gympie or Sunshine Coast do it. Heard that Toowoomba do it, like only two doctors out of the whole town appearently. But qld does do it all over the state.    Kerrie-Anne
  •   Dr Russell in Mcgregor Qld. I travelled from Perth because he came recommended from close friends and family.   Dannii
  •  Dr Herbert Huskisson in Toowoomba QLD.    Emma
  •  Mackay Qld- dr Ashraf! He was wonderful.   Kirsty
  •  I took my son to one down near the Mater in Brisbane, but he wouldn’t do until he was off oxygen (premmie) so we haven’t seen the dr exactly but he was referred from a NICU nurse at the Mater and was really nice towards us when we approached him Sorry I can’t remember his name.    Mel
  •  There is a doctor in Brisbane that does it but I can not remember where they were sorry. We were told it would cost a lot and they will circumcise a newborn. Not sure if it still happens as this was 8 years ago that I had my first son.    Sonya
  •  Harry Staleweski in Townsville.    Chandelle
  • Dr Terry Russell at Mount Gravatt Qld.    Emerald
  •  Dr Russel Mt Gravatt QLD he is great very quick!    Emma
  •  Our son was done at Wamuran medical centre in QLD.   Gemma
  •  Doc Russle in Mt Gravatt Brisbane just had my bub done n his 3yr old brother when he was a baby they great.   Emma
  •  Terry Russell-QLD tho- I’ve heard of people going to him from interstate to fix botched jobs-he has an excellent rep aust. Wide. Did my son & a great job. Brisbane. Briony

Circumcision in South Australia

Our guide to circumcision in Adelaide

  •  Dr Christopher Kirby in Adelaide, Memorial Hospital I think it is. Near WCH.    Shannon
  •  Doctor Christopher Kirby at the memorial hospital in Adelaide did both my boys when they were 2 weeks old.   Tamara
  •  Dr Kirby in Adelaide was wonderful.    Sarah
  •  Dr Kirby in War Memorial Hospital, Adelaide. Quick recovery was able to keep in touch with the dr via mobile at any time. Very quick procedure. Have our follow up apt next week.   Marissa
  •  Dr Kirby in Adelaide did our son at 5 weeks.    Sarah
  • Highly recommend dr Kirby at war memorial hospital in Adelaide did all 3 of my boys! GOODLUCK x    Julie
  • Dr kirby Adelaide knows what his doing penile surgeon.    Nikki
  • Adelaide – Dr Kirby in North Adelaide.   Rebecca
  • We live in SA and have used Dr Sparnon for both our sons, he’s FANTASTIC I would highly recommend him. He is an absolutely LOVELY doctor. Comes out and talks to you before the procedure is done and they are so kind. both my boys were done quickly and the nurses gave them cuddles before they came back so they weren’t worked up. In which case both my boys actually came back quiet and fell asleep.    Kerri

Circumcision in Victoria

Our guide to circumcision in Melbourne

Circumcision in Western Australia

Our guide to circumcision in Perth

  •  Hendry, WA Bunbury $285 and $80 back from Medicare.    Toni
  •  Dr Leon Levett Wembley Perth wa.    Naomi
  •  My 2 sons will be getting done by Dr Andrew Barker here in Perth next month.. So far only good reviews of him so looking forward to getting my boys all done.    Phoebe
  • Perth circumcision clinic did both my boys, dr and staff were fabulous.   Jayd
  • We had ours done by dr Barney mccallum in kalgoorlie. He was great.    Chontel
  • We are in Perth, WA. Dr Andrew Barker did my youngest son, although his was for medical reasons Dr Barker was lovely and didn’t seem to have any moral objections to doing the surgery so maybe he does them for personal reasons too.   Kristy
  •  I’m from perth and there’s quite a few good docs over here that do it. I can’t remember the doctors name because it was a few years ago but he is one of the best. I can find his name if you’re in Perth.   Kerry
  •  Perth circumcision clinic.   Nikki

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