
Baby Hints & Tips

First Birthday Present for Girl

 first birthday present for girlWhat are your go-to gifts for a GIRL for their first birthday?

Ideas for boys first birthday gifts here


  • Puzzle, gorgeous little backpack.  Maria
  • Doll and pram, tea set. Renave
  • Fisher Price Little People. Hannah
  • Cabbage patch doll, duplo, little tikes ride on, scuttlebug, dolls.
  • Love the night lights. Its not a toys as I think kids get too much sometimes. And its a gift that can be used for years. www.littlemdesigns.com.au Melanie
  • A little bracelet with their name. (Love links have a range called baby links) Jessie
  • Definitely a Quiet Book. My little girl absolutely LOVES hers. Has taught her so many skills already.  http://babymina.com.au/collect…/childrens-toys/quiet-books Hayley
  • My babies first birthdays coming up and I don’t want any presents. She has more than enough already and doesn’t play with most of her toys anyway she’d much rather play with an empty plastic bottle or a saucepan and a wooden spoon to bang.
    There’s so
    much waste in the world the only gifts I’d like would be gifts of time for someone to babysit or play with her or a trip to the zoo or something. Alternatively if someone’s really wanting to get her something a book. Rachael
  • Pewter my first tooth and my first curl treasure boxes in teddy bear or princess crown or cincerella coach designs. Also have name and/or date of birth engraved on it. Rebecca
  • We always buy books. Good hardcover ones that can be kept. Laine
  • My daughter absolutely LOVES her mega blocks, as well as a wooden puzzle & peppa pig magnet book. Terese
  • If you can find one, a cabbage patch doll with the same birthday. Amanda
  • Cabbage patch doll, I have a little boy but I buy all my girlfriends little girls cabbage patch dolls for there 1st birthdays. Bree
  • personalised bracelet with name. Vesa
  • Ponies, butterfly wall stickers. Pretty dresses (all girls love princess dresses) dolls. Caszie
  • Little People, Duplo, board books and Cabbage Patch doll.
    My daughter turned 1yro on Monday and between my parents and us, those are the gifts she got. She is in love with her cabbage patch. Sam
  • Having a 15 month old, I can recommend some shoes or hats. They start walking around that age and I found my daughter went through the soft sole ones quickly once she got going. And a good pair of hard sole shoes can be pricey but it’s best to get good ones for their little feet. With hats – you can never have too many. One for the car, one for the baby bag, one for the pool, one just by the door for whenever they go outside.
    My daughter also loves a little handbag she was given. Carries every time we go for a walk to the shop. Soo cute!! Penny
  • My little girls favourite is her dollies. She plays with them all day every day. She got so many toys for her birthday, many of which she never shows an interest. She also go her first big girl plate and cutlery set, a smarttrike that grows with them and a kitchen set which she also spends a lot of time at, even if it is just opening and closing the cupboards, it stops her emptying mine. Sam
  • Anything that you can push or ride on. Bree
  • My daughter turns 1 in a few months, I’m planning on getting a bracelet from the jewellers with her name and birth date engraved on the inside! They don’t need all that much at that age, I think that’s a nice gift which they can keep forever . Suzanna
  • Your favourite book from your childhood with a nice little message in it smile emoticon That (or a star named after them) is my go-to gift for 1st bdays. Amanda
  • Struggling for my now 10mo daughter as she has a big sister (2.5) and so already has everything! But for 1st children I would recommend a wheelie bug, doll (baby born or similar), tea set, anything musical, books, puzzles, a good set of different shaped building blocks… Practical gifts are useful too at this age.. My two love the Ballapalooza…Got it for the youngest for xmas but they both play with it! Bianca
  • My aunty gifted my daughter a set of commerorative stamps for the year in which she was born for her 1st birthday. It was the best gift we received, a keepsake my daughter will have forever in her memory box. Steph
  • Cabbage patch dolls are for ages 3+ Kellie
  • Baby links bracelet and then each year u can add a charm to it, little people, duplo, other jewellery ( my daughter got a my first diamond necklace from prouds) & a baby links bracelet as mentioned above. Books, puzzles, a nice bangle, Russ sell a variety of teddies that come with a name a star from the star registry. Coin set from the mint with year of birth on them. Kylie

What do you suggest for a first birthday present for girls, comment below


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