
Baby Hints & Tips

Top first birthday present ideas

First birthday 2

My baby’s birthday is coming up soon and I am after some first birthday present ideas.  He got a lot of the usual stuff at Christmas so I’m after something a little bit special as a first birthday present.  So hit me with your best first birthday present ideas!

We asked our community to help this mum out with the best first birthday present ideas for boys and girls.  Here’s what Australian mums recommend for a little one on their first big day!

Commemorative gift ideas for first birthdays

It’s not just a birthday, it’s a big milestone in a little life.  This is where your baby officially becomes a toddler.  It’s around now that he’ll get on his little feet and start making his path in life.

Top Recommendation: Commemorative jewellery or first birthday party guest book

First Birthday Present Ideas - Pandora Charm Bracelet


  •  Plant a tree for her and every birthday she can see the tree growing with her nice forever gift.   Natasha
  •  Vera Wang engraved knife and server to be used at every birthday to cut and serve the cake.   Sarah
  • My husband is a FIFO worker so I got my son a special plushie that has my husband’s picture on it.  That way he sleeps next to dad, even when dad is off at the mines.  He carries it with him everywhere. Rachel
  •  My daughter turns 1 next month and I’ve decided to buy her a special bracelet that will fit her now rather than toys. Just something special that she can keep forever. Maybe a handmade wooden truck or something that rather than play with all the time can sit on a shelf as a special thing from when he was 1.   Tash
  •  My mum got our DD a infant Pandora bracelet with a birthstone charm great idea as when she is older the charms can go on a bigger bracelet.   Alicia
  • ID bracelet add links as the child grows.    Christelle
  •  I made a 1st birthday guestbook for someone recently. The party was a Giggle & Hoot theme. The pages inside are decorated and have space for guests to write birthday wishes as well as space for photos.    Jenny-Louise 
  • A personalised book or even make a time capsule with things he’s used as a baby baby that he seemed to like and write him a letter for his 21st birthday. He’s going to get a lot of toys for his birthday from other people and so maybe ask them if they want to add something special too like a photo of them with him or even something for him for his 21st for when he opens it. Just a thought.   Sarah
  •  I got my daughter a Pandora Bracelet (smallest size we could get) with a charm with a 1, and the people closest in her life also brought her a charm. Something we can put away as a keepsake once it gets too small.   Cassie
  • We’re getting my daughter a cabbage patch doll.  I had one as a child and it was that one special toy I kept right the way through until I left home.  So, I hope I can give her the same experience.  Mandy

First Christmas Dolls - Keepsakes For Life

  •  I’ve got my son a personalised guest book. It has a one and his name on it & you can either get friends to write in it or stick photos in it. I’m also doing a photo book of his first year. Lyn
  •  Our daughter turned 1 in November and we took her to the build a bear workshop. We put a wish heart in there and made a wish for her. I still have a teddy from when I was a baby and I love hearing my mum tell me all about the day I was given it. It was so special because it was something that hubby and I could do together for her. It gets a birth certificate and all which is special if you build it on your childs actual birthday.   Sair-Josh
  •  It’s also my son’s first birthday coming up. We are getting him more sentimental items, as his father and I are sport fans we are getting him baby versions of jersey, guernsey, soccer clothes that perhaps he could keep and maybe pass down.   Phil
  • Name a star after him. Krystal
  • My grandchild will be turning one later this month.  I have kept all her mother’s dolls in a big box.  They’re currently at the doll hospital getting cleaned up and re-dressed and made beautiful again (they’ve endured a lot of love in their time).  This is as much a gift for my daughter as it is for my grand-daughter but I think they’ll both love it.  Miriam

Heirloom Dolls - First Birthday Present options

  • I registered his name as an email address, a web address and I bought personalised plates with his name and year of birth.  Shelley
  •  A commemorative coin for this year?   Angela
  • A family photo shoot so you can remember how little he was. Sian 
  • Our baby girls all got diamond earrings for their first birthday, we started this tradition not thinking we will have three girls and god it’s expensive!!  Natalia
  •  We started a Schliech collection have quite a few now, it’s something that anyone can add to for a very small amount of money.   Amanda
  • A piece of jewellery like an id bracelet with his name and date and time he was born.   Crystal
  •  A special metal money box and get it engraved. We got my son a car money box with moving wheels and had his name engraved on the number plate and happy 1st on the spoiler.  Caz
  •  Pandora bracelet with her name and she can wear it later on as well.   Vicki
  •  We got our baby a personalised bracelet and Pandora bracelet every major mile stone and occasion we add a charm.   Te

Experience and developmental gifts for one year olds

Top Recommendation:  Annual passes to zoos

FIrst Birthday Gift Ideas - Zoo Passes

  •  Why not get him a little garden? They sell corrugated iron ones at Bunnings. He is still a little young, but if you plant some seeds now, herbs, flowers, veg – a few different things, watering them can become part of your daily routine. By the time he is 2, he will know exactly what it’s all about and will be a little green thumb.   Holly
  • We bought my son (and me) an annual zoo pass.  We went every Monday for a year.  He LOVED it.  He called it Monkey Park and learned to mimic all of the animal noises.  Seeing the animals became part of his routine and by the time he was two, he would correct me, not monkey, it’s a marmoset…  It was extremely good value and he learned so much about animals and developed a real love of them.  Best gift I ever bought him. Dana
  •  We bought an family pass to the zoo and aquarium!   Leigh
  •  Zoo passes are good fun.   Joanne
  • We got our son a Brisbane Science Centre pass.  It’s got lots of toddler friendly things to do but also it’s right next to the museum (giant dinosaurs etc), Southbank and GOMA (modern art which always has kids stuff).  While I don’t think that he’s going to learn much about science, mostly we’re giving him a pass to go into the cultural and educational area of Brisbane – get him used to the State Library, Performing Arts Centre and all the other great stuff in South Brisbane. Plus, you know, train rides to get there – his favourite thing.  Felicity

Practical gifts for first birthdays

First Birthday Gift Ideas - Baby Savings Account

There’s nothing like a first birthday party for filling your child’s nursery with MORE TOYS.  It’s probably starting to feel like you can’t take a step without stepping on a toy.  Practical presents are a great way to give your child a head start without creating more clutter. These are a terrific option to recommend to grandparents, aunts and god parents who want to contribute to your little one’s future…not her toy box.

Top Recommendation: Savings account

  •  Our daughter is 1 in February. We have opened a bank account for her and asked for a contribution towards her future rather than a toy or clothes etc.   Felicity
  •   Bank account our son is in September and since Christmas is 3 months later so we thought it would be nice to begin his savings account for his future,   Tessa
  • We bought our son a gold bar.  A little gold bar (not billionaires!) Melony
  •   Swimming lessons!   Sian
  • We bought her a pet bird.  She’s too young for a puppy or a kitten but she’s animal obsessed and she can help me feed Tweety and clean out the cage.  Never too young to learn about caring for animals.  Sarah
  • We went with the “mortgage account”.  It’s been so hard to get our own deposit together, I really wanted to help my little one get a head start. Kerry
  • It’s not very fun but we put down school waiting list deposits for the top three schools in our city.  They’re around $400 each so it was a sizable first birthday present really!  Provided she gets good marks, she’s practically guaranteed a place at a really great high school and that’s a pretty good gift I think.  Emily
  •  I got my daughter a toddler piano for her first Christmas, she loves it. It’s a mini grand piano and quite sturdy, will last for a few years and I think when she is older, it will still be fun.   Leanne

Fun first birthday present ideas

Smart Trike is top gift for kids this christmas

With big ticket presents aren’t usually a first birthday thing, there are some childhood must-haves that your baby will adore.  The community didn’t recommend much in the way of big spend toys (more a third or forth birthday present idea) but there are a few stand out toys that they recommended.

Top Recommendation: Smart Trikes and Tee Pees

  •  A teepee lasts forever won’t grow out of it well work it.   Jenna-Lee
  •   A smart trike! I’m getting one for my daughters first birthday which is coming up in just 3 months. Eek!!   Caitlyn
  •  For our dd’s first birthday we gave her a smart trike for when we go walking so it doesn’t always have to be in the pram. She also got one of these from Nana and Poppy which she loves.   Lauren
  • I’ve got him a dribble bib with his name and says happy first birthday with balloons on it. I’ve got a kit off of eBay to decorate his high chair… It was really cheap, but comes with bunting a splash mate and hat – not sure if anything else xx   Lynne
  •  I’m getting my dd a teepee for her 1st bday as well as one of those bikes they can strap into. Things she can use and get her outside, plus they are both things she can enjoy for years to come.    Amanda
  •  Were giving our daughter a smart trike and a teepee which were putting a bean bag and toys in. She loves exploring and running off on her own so the teepee can be her little safe space and wick and bandit have some amazing cute toys which will always be memorable and will want to hold onto. Was going to give her an engraved id bracelet as I always loved mine but she got one for Christmas.   Katy
  •  We always bought the single bed and linen. Personalised towels. Watering can.    Susan

If you are considering a fun first birthday present idea, check out our baby products section for comprehensive reviews and information about all the best gifts for little ones on the market!

Our community of 226,000 mums grows every day and we’re always hunting down the very best information for mums-to-be, new mums and mums of toddlers and beyond.  Now you’re inspired by first birthday present ideas, check out these handy tips and tricks:

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