
Baby Hints & Tips

Healthy Mummy Journey – Week 2 COMPLETE!

rsz_xmas_book_coverWeek 2 sees us all struggle. Whether it’s the Christmas period, surrounded by yummy sweet treats, Christmas parties, Carols, who knows but it was a struggle but you know what?  We did it & we did it by supporting each other.  I think the meal and exercise plan is 50% of the struggle but creating that support network to stand by you the whole time is the other 50%.

Read the full details or make 2015 your healthiest yet & join the Healthy Mummy Challenge!  For a limited time, you can get a copy of the AMAZING Christmas cookbook for FREE when you sign up for the January Challenge!

Here’s our trials & tribulations for week 2:


Tanya: Week a and I am 2kg LIGHTER. Yey for me. I certainly havent been as organised, however the food it easy to prepare and delicious which helps to sticking with the suggested food. My kids continue to enjoy exercising with me, I did however miss a few days this week, sometimes the days just disappear.

Kristin:  Week 2 saw me drop off a little bit, for some reason I lost my mojo but have found it again & jumped in with 2 feet!  Food this week was AMAZING and I’m happy to say there’s quite a few I’ll be reusing at a later stage even after the challenge is over!  Week 3 looks incredible & with my headspace now right, I’m ready to smash it!

rsz_image3Mel: Pow! That’s my way of explaining week 2… Felt better got better results!  Just feel all round, pretty damn good!  Again- proud of myself for sticking to the exercises and meals, but had to make slight adjustments here and there but nothing drastic!  I am finding I am getting out of bed earlier to do my workouts before my daughter wakes up… A few weeks ago I would have slept in and waited for her to wake me up.  I also seem to be sleeping like a log! Waking up in the morning realising I haven’t woken up at all during the night…. It feels great!!  Favourite meals this week were Lamb with Dukka and salad – yum!  & flourless banana pancakes – Let’s do this week 3!!

Lisa: What a week! This week was really hard I ate over my calories twice 🙁 but I kept going with the exercises and worked my little but off. My measurements went down but my weight went up and due to aunty flow I’m bloated! But I have found it don’t really need food for comfort sometimes I need to let things go or not take them on emotionally to start with. I am finding a new determination and myself again. Bring on week 3!

Nikki: Loving the variety of meals each week. The meal plan makes a busy working week easy and stress free.

Ash:  This week has been a little tougher, they key is to be organised and this week there have been times of absolute chaos and not much organisation but I’m getting there.  The meals this week have been great, and the boys have enjoyed them too.  We all enjoyed the pork, very delicious.  Exercising is going well and getting easier each day, i look forward to the day i enjoy it though. The exercises are challenging but do feel good when finished.  Baby steps and Ill get there. I’m feeling much better within, even of I’ve not lost weight I feel I’m carrying it differently. Bring on week 3

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