
Baby Hints & Tips

Healthy Mummy Journey – Week 3 COMPLETE!

Middle Eastern Chicken

Middle Eastern Chicken

WOW!  What a week, we’ve all seem some fabulous changes and we’re all feeling GREAT!  Just quietly we’re all so happy we’ve done it through December, it’s making us feel incredible going into the silly season & giving us all great alternatives to the normally sugar loaded festive season!

Read the full details or make 2015 your healthiest yet & join the Healthy Mummy Challenge!  Don’t forget, for a limited time, you can get a copy of the AMAZING Christmas cookbook for FREE when you sign up for the 28 day January Challenge starting January 5th!

Tanya: Woo Hoo. Another 1.5kg down. Thats 3.5kg on total so far. I wasnt feeling very well this week so exercise was fairly limited but I kept at the food and had results regardless. We have even branched out and tried Salmon and both realised we really like it. Funny how following a meal plan can get you trying new foods.

Kristin: I am in full swing for Christmas & I have had my Christmas day meal plan done for the last few weeks & this week I spent quite a bit of time sifting through LBW recipes looking for alternatives & I’m actually excited about putting on a healthy Christmas lunch this year, I’m feeling great & I’m surprising myself at how level headed and calm I am considering it’s so close to Christmas, I’m usually feeling awful & run down by now, but am actually feeling great, it’s amazing what healthy eating and a little bit of daily exercise can do 🙂

Mel holding her lost weight in spuds

Mel holding her lost weight in spuds

Mel: This week felt a bit meh! So when I jumped on the scales and still saw a difference I was happily surprised. Just wasn’t as pumped this week. Still are what I was meant to and did the daily exercises but just felt like I wasn’t really killing it like last week!  My husband wasn’t loving the meals this week and I found it hard to try eat what I was supposed to, while I made different meals for him!  Meals this week that I really enjoyed were Middle Eastern Chicken salad… YUUUUUM!! and Italian baked fish – I added some wholemeal gluten free pasta as I felt it needed it!  One week to go in the challenge!  Because it’s getting closer to Xmas… I hope to smash this week!!

Lisa: Wow what a week! Very stressful and emotional week with life happening as it does. My new inner strength was tested and although I had a few extra peices of chocolate along they way I stayed within my calories.   I am learning that although things have the same calories they have a massively different effect on the body and may be emotionally filing though leave me physically hungry.

Nikki: Loving the variety of meals each week. The meal plan makes a busy working week easy and stress free.

Ash:  Week 3 was a good week!!!!! I changed the menu to suit my boys and i and it went really well.  I feel much better, my headaches have gone away and feel very different on the inside. Although its only been a few weeks, and not much difference can be seen yet from the outside but I feel I’m well and truly on the right journey.   Its easier now to pick up the air popped popcorn instead of a packet of chips, I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything which has been one great aspect of this challenge.

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